News Lee Sun-kyun: Parasite actor, 48, found dead in apparent suicide

Damn hopefully he can surround himself with coke and whores in peace now

RIP (rest in pussy)
It's pretty huge here in Asia.

It's not just the drug allegation, he have been reported visiting VIP brothel which is another huge no no considering his image.

Korean Netizen is very infamous for being toxic, if you guys think Westerns social medias are filled toxic idiots, Korea's one is much MUCH worst.

One can assume the backlash of these reports caused him tremendous stress from Korean Netizens. I'm just shocked he couldn't handle it at this age, IF that is the real reason he committed suicide. There are plenty of teachers/young celebrities that commit suicides due to social pressure and bullying over the years. The number is shocking.

Why is it a big deal though?
Is it this one?

Nope, this story is from over 10 years ago, according to the article while the teacher is not wrong, she could have used a better example.

I guarantee you legalizing cannabis would not make Singaporean streets unsafe for women at 2 am.

You can't guarantee things like these unless you can share success stories from other countries. Everything in theory is just guess work until it's implemented and have shown results. All I can say is, strict laws in Singapore have proven that it works for decades. It might not be liked by everyone, even myself in the post you quoted, but it works.

You know what the slogan our police says every now and then?
Low crime doesn't means no crime.
Even in a country that is as safe as we are, we are still constantly telling people to not let their guards down. Like I said in my post you quoted, it might be difficult for Westerners to understand our mentality because we really grew up in a totally different environment and culture to what is acceptable and what is not. Neither way is entirely correct nor will it be.

I feel that it only works here, because Singapore is just so tiny. We are less than 740sqkm and have a population of barely 6m. And 15% to 20% of them are probably foreign talent working here. Basically we are more "controllable"

Wait.. you can't do drugs and bitches in Korea? What a shithole.

You can do bitches, just not when you have a family friendly images as someone with remotely any influences. Drugs is a big no across all demo.

Why is it a big deal though?
The drugs or the actors death? If you are asking about the latter, well because he is a famous actor and people believe he is "pushed" to his death.

Apology for bumping a few days old thread, I was offline since NYE and just saw the quotes.
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Seriously bro? The alcohol lobby is billions a year . Billions a year in advertising . And so what if less people are drinking ? It’s still a huge social problem . “ but but weed is bad!” You’re an imbecile if you think weed ( I’m not oblivious to weeds affects on an individual ) is socially more destructive than booze. As a matter of fact , you’re a damn fool if you believe weed is more harmful fo society. LMAO x 100 ar weeds second hand smoke issues . Got you on ignore bud . You are a dumbass but gave you a reaction to remember me by .

Bbbut bbut but didn’t you read he said he’s an educated man and has a Masters Degree 🙄
The crazy thing is he was tested on different parts of his body and hair 3 separate times and it was negative. They still hounded him.
Asian societies are very strict and obsessed with conformity. If you don't conform to what other people expect you to act, look and behave like, you're a pariah. It's like that phase in high school where everyone tries to fit in and attacks those who don't, but it never ends. I roll my eyes when people put those societies on a pedestal because they don't realize how much freedom and individualism we have here that they just take for granted. Asian societies aren't western societies with less crime and cleaner streets, they come with a whole slew of negative aspects that make you realize how many things we DO get right in the west.

bUt aNiMe!!1
"but muh individualism"

Yeah man, I think I'm going to take spotless, quiet public transit, along with some of the largest metro areas on earth that are so safe that it is common for 6-year-olds to walk themselves to school, over "muh individualism"

I honestly don't even know what you western chauvinist types mean when you talk about western individualism. I guess you're talking about individually commuting an hour each way to work, in your own individual transportation box that is several orders of magnitude more expensive to own and operate than using public transit (which is virtually nonexistent for most Americans)? Along with living in your own individual suburban cardboard boxes that are statistically going to lead you to being isolated, depressed, and fat?

as for the op - that is really sad and should not have happened. Korea still has a long way to go socially. People forget that even S. Korea was a dictatorship until 1987. They have had very little time to liberalize and progress socially. I hope they are able to catch up quickly and do away with this kind of crap.
"but muh individualism"

Yeah man, I think I'm going to take spotless, quiet public transit, along with some of the largest metro areas on earth that are so safe that it is common for 6-year-olds to walk themselves to school, over "muh individualism"

I honestly don't even know what you western chauvinist types mean when you talk about western individualism. I guess you're talking about individually commuting an hour each way to work, in your own individual transportation box that is several orders of magnitude more expensive to own and operate than using public transit (which is virtually nonexistent for most Americans)? Along with living in your own individual suburban cardboard boxes that are statistically going to lead you to being isolated, depressed, and fat?

as for the op - that is really sad and should not have happened. Korea still has a long way to go socially. People forget that even S. Korea was a dictatorship until 1987. They have had very little time to liberalize and progress socially. I hope they are able to catch up quickly and do away with this kind of crap.

It's called freedom, you wouldn't know anything about it
It's called freedom, you wouldn't know anything about it
I know a lot more about it than yourself, apparently -

In regard to freedom, the US doesn't rank in the top 10, top 20, top 30, or 40. It's ranked below Slovenia, Taiwan, the UK, the Czech Republic, Spain, Slovakia, France, Lithuania, Latvia, Canada, Croatia, Mongolia and many others.

This freedom index has been used for almost 50 years and is the most widely cited freedom index.

But hey, we all know you chuds don't give two shits about soyboy beta male things like "evidence" and "data". Just keep repeating whatever validates your fee fees :]
I know a lot more about it than yourself, apparently -

In regard to freedom, the US doesn't rank in the top 10, top 20, top 30, or 40. It's ranked below Slovenia, Taiwan, the UK, the Czech Republic, Spain, Slovakia, France, Lithuania, Latvia, Canada, Croatia, Mongolia and many others.

This freedom index has been used for almost 50 years and is the most widely cited freedom index.

But hey, we all know you chuds don't give two shits about soyboy beta male things like "evidence" and "data". Just keep repeating whatever validates your fee fees :]
That's clearly just anti American propaganda.
That's clearly just anti American propaganda.
It's an American think tank that puts it together, and it has been accused multiple times of being overly biased towards the US. I'm sorry that data doesn't affirm your emotional bias.
It's an American think tank that puts it together, and it has been accused multiple times of being overly biased towards the US. I'm sorry that data doesn't affirm your emotional bias.
Clearly it's antifa that's running that "think tank"
I think Enson Inoue almost went to jail for a long time for having small amount of marijuana in Japan. But surprisingly, they let him go. Didn't know Korea was also super strict about it.

Here in the USA, drug use is rampant and normal. There was a reddit thread where San Francisco cops walked passed junkies shooting up and selling stolen items. One poster said "That's normal and shouldn't be looked down because it prevents the druggies from doing other crimes." We're in the twilight zone.

Nobody bats an eye over recreational or low key vices even at a moderate usage rate.

Heavy obvious addiction and debauchery might get some negative headlines depending on the image of the celeb...or it might be just business as usual if it's a rock musician...

Depends though. If someone has spent a lot of time cultivating a family friendly / role model type of an image, and that curtain falls down then they can get shit for it because they are duping people usually for the money / endorsements.
Kinda like Tiger Woods.
Depends though. If someone has spent a lot of time cultivating a family friendly / role model type of an image, and that curtain falls down then they can get shit for it because they are duping people usually for the money / endorsements.
Kinda like Tiger Woods.

I remember the incident, but I don't recall him suffering more than a temporary setback before continuing to rake in money as the face of golf.

Tiger got paid because he dominated the PGA.
I remember the incident, but I don't recall him suffering more than a temporary setback before continuing to rake in money as the face of golf.

Tiger got paid because he dominated the PGA.

Sure but he did receive a lot of public backlash and scrutiny.

He (and presumably his hired pr team) had to go into damage control