Leaving China in a few months, had a mental breakdown

Wow....I can't imagine being on LSD in china lol....people everywhere, speaking Chinese, kids everywhere that would be brutal haha. Imagine heading into a city center during a national holiday while tripping balls lol!!!!

One time we met my wife's freind and her family, her husband was in the army, they took us to a crazy nice upscale restsraunt, booze was flowing, tons of great food, baiju all that, there were like 10 of us, the dude just paid the bill with his army credit card...

Ketamine was a big thing there, and of course heroin. Kunming is the drug hub of China, a stone's throw away from Myanmar.
Ketamine was a big thing there, and of course heroin. Kunming is the drug hub of China, a stone's throw away from Myanmar.

Have you been to Myanmar? I am curious about the culture there and the ethnicities.
Thanks for some of the replies, it helps. I don't really have any other expat friends here so when I'm having stress to deal with I usually keep it to myself and that eats away at me after a while. Fortunately I do know there are good Chinese people out there and that keeps me positive. It's my own fault I've chosen a school that is considered a diplomia mill by western standards. The students have failed their college entrance exams so I ended up teaching students who don't want to be here and it sucks. I've often considered playing movies every class but that just seems lazy. I'll finish my contract and probably move to another school for a year while working on a visa for my wife and then I'll move back home to the states with her

Also big shoutout to those who told me about the direct consular filing process. I had no idea about that and it seems a lot faster and easier than going back home and doing it.

Sounds like a pretty toxic environment, and you probably knew that going in. Hindsight is 20/20. Just start planning your exit strategy and don't put yourself in these types of situations again. We're all here for you.

...Also pics of wife or gtfo.
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Have you been to Myanmar? I am curious about the culture there and the ethnicities.

Never been there, but I met people that traveled there. Guys from there would come to Kunming fairly often to sell jade and things. Knew a guy whose dad owned a gold shop in Myanmar. The kid became a refugee and moved to Canada years ago.
Thanks for some of the replies, it helps. I don't really have any other expat friends here so when I'm having stress to deal with I usually keep it to myself and that eats away at me after a while. Fortunately I do know there are good Chinese people out there and that keeps me positive. It's my own fault I've chosen a school that is considered a diplomia mill by western standards. The students have failed their college entrance exams so I ended up teaching students who don't want to be here and it sucks. I've often considered playing movies every class but that just seems lazy. I'll finish my contract and probably move to another school for a year while working on a visa for my wife and then I'll move back home to the states with her

Also big shoutout to those who told me about the direct consular filing process. I had no idea about that and it seems a lot faster and easier than going back home and doing it.

And can you please answer my question?:

Okay but were they in fact crying like this?

I used to plagiarise all my high school and uni assignments and I got away with it. I'd have hated to have a teacher like you that called me out in it and I knew you were right.

One time I actually asked a mate to send me his assignment and I just turned in his work. The teachers didn't notice it was the same and I got 2 marks higher than him for that assignment and I didn't change a single word lol!
Print out copies of there work. Then print out the wiki pages they plagiarized from. Then present it to the dean, or director of the English department or whoever you will meet up with to present your side of the story to.

Also print out those wiki pages and put them on the desks of the students that you will give a failing grade to. They'll figure it out then.

Oh and have a video camera rolling in your class before they arrive. Gotta expose this shit.
TS sounds like he's thin-skinned if a few students plagiarizing is going to make you wanna leave your job/country.

I'm a teacher in Japan and have shit that annoys me. I just tell them straight and they usually appreciate it.
Who the hell wants to teach in China unless you are really there just for you know what.
Just my opinion, but I think your students were totally in the wong.
Print out copies of there work. Then print out the wiki pages they plagiarized from. Then present it to the dean, or director of the English department or whoever you will meet up with to present your side of the story to.

Also print out those wiki pages and put them on the desks of the students that you will give a failing grade to. They'll figure it out then.

Oh and have a video camera rolling in your class before they arrive. Gotta expose this shit.
lol, he's gonna tuck tail and run away.
Should have told them they are a disgrace to their ancestors, and clearly do not have the level of honor as your Japanese friends. That should settle them down.

It's very obvious both are not a Tanaka!

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