From what I know, neither Rippetoe nor the guy from the Squat Rx talk about full squats much, they talk about half squats. So looking up on either will not help much in my opinion.
With full squats, you don't sit back as much as with half squats and your knees can ride over your toes, in particular if you do them with a close stance. To stay upright, you can work more front squats. In addition deep paused squats lower weight work. Focus on staying upright when leaving the bottom position in the paused squats. Keep your elbows under the bar at all times and try to get your hips under the bar quickly.
As a general comment, there seems to be little distinction on this forum between PL half squats and full close stance squats. This can confuse a lot of people, because the comments on technique questions don't address the type of squat in question.