Law Lead actor and actress from 1968 Romeo and Juliet suing Paramount Pictures for sexual exploitation.

shit, I recently made a thread about Steven Tyler and that had some statue expiration after 50 years (which is why that was filed when it was). This is almost a decade older, crazy this could even have standing lol
The article says that California had a temporary period where they had extended the statute of limitations on these types of cases. They ended up getting a bunch of cases trying to beat the deadline, this one is just more high profile than the others.
The two producers, dead
Half the cast, dead
Narrator, dead
Cinematographer, dead
Music guy, you guessed it, dead

Production company guy, also dead

She seems to be suing ghosts at this point^^
The two producers, dead
Half the cast, dead
Narrator, dead
Cinematographer, dead
Music guy, you guessed it, dead

Production company guy, also dead

She seems to be suing ghosts at this point^^
She's suing a corporation which is still very much alive. This is one of the downsides to not dying. You can be sued for your historic crimes.
The timing makes the whole thing questionable. But if the director strong armed kids into doing nude sex scenes then his feet need to be held to the fire. He was only buried a few years ago so exhume the old perv and fry those digits. As @Bullitt68 said, it's hard to side with anyone on this.
Isn't that how Brooke Shields became famous, did a sexy movie when she was young?
Not sure if that was even illegal in 1968.. heck even as late as 1980 it was "okay" for a 14yo brook shields to be nude and have sex scenes in The Blue Lagoon.

Brooke Shields did a movie before Blue Lagoon called "Pretty Baby."

It was shot when she was 12, and she did nude scenes. The character that she played was a child prostitute who worked in a brothel.

Apparently, sensibilities about this stuff changed drastically in the past couple of decades because Pretty Baby and Blue Lagoon were shown on premium cable up until the mid-90s.

It's mind-boggling to me that Shields' parents and the studio heads and directors involved in her early career didn't all end up in prison for child exploitation.
Not sure if that was even illegal in 1968.. heck even as late as 1980 it was "okay" for a 14yo brook shields to be nude and have sex scenes in The Blue Lagoon.
Yeah i believe the main reason they got a pass is that society saw age differently back then. They were in the era where 15 years olds working and fighting in wars is the norm. We are in the era where they’re in schools and are not labelled as adults until 20s.
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Olivia Hussey was a beautiful woman in her younger years.


I don't remember seeing them nude in that film.

But yeah good for them, hope they win. But I doubt it.
People under 18 being used for nude sex scenes, sue the fuck out of the company. If the director on producers are still alive, sue the fuck out of them too.
I'm wondering how they calculated the damages at $500 million. I'm assuming this is all about getting to a settlement figure so that 2 old actors can have a little cash in their final days.

If they get 500 Million for this, Brooke Shields should get 30 trillion for Pretty Baby. And everyone involved in the production of that film should be flayed alive in the public square, including Brooke Shields mother.
Haven't thought about this movie since I was a freshman in HS. But that scene is burned into my brain. It's brief -like literally a second- but I remember it.
What does the war room think about this?

Great timing, 55 years later, with everyone in charge of the production of the film is long dead, and everyone now in charge of Paramount were in elementary school, at the oldest, during production of the film.
Great timing, 55 years later, with everyone in charge of the production of the film is long dead, and everyone now in charge of Paramount were in elementary school, at the oldest, during production of the film.

I think the timing may be related to California temporarily extending the statute of limitations recently, but the window is closing soon so you may see other high profile suits that were all filed right before the window shuts.
Years ago my classmates and I were shown that movie in English class. I was surprised that it had some brief nudity in it, and being shown in school. How itmes have changed I suppose. At that time though I did wonder why teenagers were being filmed nude but remember thinking it is a European made film, they do things different over there.