Lazy crane operators are contributing to shortages and high prices


Steel Belt
Sep 18, 2008
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LONG BEACH, California — Crane operators who belong to a powerful union and earn up to $250,000 a year transferring containers from ships to trucks are worsening the supply chain crisis that threatens Christmas by goofing off on the job, frustrated truckers told the Washington Examiner.

The finger-pointing at the busy Los Angeles County ports comes as scores of container ships are anchored off the California coast, waiting in some cases for weeks to unload their freight. The Biden administration has scrambled to get shipping executives, port officials, and labor to tackle the problem. While the reasons for the burgeoning backlog are complex, truck drivers say not everyone seems to be working together.

“In 15 years of doing this job, I’ve never seen them work slower,” said Antonio, who has spent hours waiting at Los Angeles County ports for cargo to be loaded. “The crane operators take their time, like three to four hours to get just one container. You can’t say anything to them, or they will just go [help] someone else.”

I know union workers are lazy but seriously when you're making that much money and the country is in crisis you'd think they would step up so they could continue their sweet gravy train under the radar.

But these fuckers are so stupid they're drawing all this extra attention to themselves by being extra slow that I bet we see the ports accelerate their move to automated cranes and these dudes will lose their jobs sooner.

I know union workers are lazy but seriously when you're making that much money and the country is in crisis you'd think they would step up so they could continue their sweet gravy train under the radar.

But these fuckers are so stupid they're drawing all this extra attention to themselves by being extra slow that I bet we see the ports accelerate their move to automated cranes and these dudes will lose their jobs sooner.

I find this offensive being a hard working Union man myself.

Power to the People!!!!
Teachers and parents should teach kids not to have shit character. This shit behavior will eventually cause backlash. Look at the random cops getting ambushed and killed because of the bad raps from the corrupt racist cops.
union workers are not lazy!.
Dude be real.

any environment where it’s hard to get fired is going to have a higher percentage of lazy workers than an environment where it’s easy to get fired.

I don’t think all Union workers are lazy and if you’re an exception then good on you, but most Union workers are certainly lazier than their non-Union counterparts.
They have a death grip on everyone's balls and are abusing that position of power by crushing everyone's balls.

In addition, it's quite common to see the local news report embezzlement by union leaders flat out taking union money and "employing" their family members in high paying jobs.
But let's look at this. How many crane guy do they have. 15-20 making 250k a yr. And how much would it cost to Automate it, 10-15 Billion dollars. I don't think it smart to invest that type of money automating one port in a business that might not have a future that long. Commerce is changing quick with Drones and other type of shipping like Musk's new super tunnel. Ports might die off in the next 10yrs. Why put 25 Billion into one point when it's really only cost 5 million a yr to run on man power.
Dude be real.

any environment where it’s hard to get fired is going to have a higher percentage of lazy workers than an environment where it’s easy to get fired.

I don’t think all Union workers are lazy and if you’re an exception then good on you, but most Union workers are certainly lazier than their non-Union counterparts.
Union workers tend to get paid a lot more than non unions. If you work for city in san Francisco, Bus driver can get paid up to 40$ hour and custodian can get paid up to 33$ dollar an hour
Always gotta point the finger elsewhere instead of paying people better.. to balance the economy, which isn't that difficult to do by the govts. Despite all their lies about some fairytale debt/budget.
Wait, are you saying they should pay the crane operators more than 250,000?

if they’re lazy at 250k I think they’ll be lazy at any pay rate.
Union workers tend to get paid a lot more than non unions. If you work for city in san Francisco, Bus driver can get paid up to 40$ hour and custodian can get paid up to 33$ dollar an hour
I actually don’t mind if unions want to negotiate higher pay but the part I hate is when unions make it difficult to fire bad employees.

you don’t really care that much until one day when you need one of those employees to do their job. Like these poor truck drivers that depend on the crane operators.

I know union workers are lazy but seriously when you're making that much money and the country is in crisis you'd think they would step up so they could continue their sweet gravy train under the radar.

But these fuckers are so stupid they're drawing all this extra attention to themselves by being extra slow that I bet we see the ports accelerate their move to automated cranes and these dudes will lose their jobs sooner.
I saw that article less than 30 mins ago , and wondered if this is just sensationalism by The Examiner. It is a rightwing paper, so they are going to be critical of Union workers. It seems unbelievable that a crane operator will take 3 hours for 1 container.
Hawaii has a big time problem with this as well. Our stevedores are in a powerful union and from what my buddy that works at the shipping company says they are lazy and charge more billable hours than needed for the job, which increases the cost of all shipped goods. Also I hear they will often strongarm the shipping companies to accept their rates or they won't work, which causes the shipping companies to lose business. It is part of the reason why the cost of living in Hawaii is so damn high. Screw stevedore unions. Can't wait for machines to replace these wastes of spaces.
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My employer is forced to use a union delivery company and for years has suffered because of a single employee they have. We know it, the union knows it, and the company who hired them knows it.

Deliveries used to be 11:00am. Over time it went to noon, 1:00pm, 2:00pm, and got as bad as 4:00-4:30 and often times not at all.

The bad part is he’s fucking the guys that work the shift after him. I’d guess it’s been 5-6 years and they finally moved or promoted him.

Can’t believe the other guys didnt stomp the shit out of him.
Dude be real.

any environment where it’s hard to get fired is going to have a higher percentage of lazy workers than an environment where it’s easy to get fired.

I don’t think all Union workers are lazy and if you’re an exception then good on you, but most Union workers are certainly lazier than their non-Union counterparts.

Worked with both union and non union construction and it's really just different with everyone. I've seen really solid union workers and really shitty ones. A lot of tradesmen really enjoy what they do and take pride in their work. Getting compensated nicely let's them relax a little on the financial stress and focus on getting things done.

Both systems can work or not work.
There might be some good union workers but there are a whole lot more lazy ones. Union hacks are one of the reasons I won't buy American cars any more. I just don't trust anything made by these people.