Largest Gang Takedown in New York City History

Yep. Whitey gets a pass. Whitey always gets a pass.

(Note: I am not referring to Whitey Bulger. As he did get busted and is doing time in the big house. But Bulger is a white outlier. Most crackers get a pass from the Man.)

Al Capone, Gotti, Gotti Jr all disagree with you.
And few people know that he was mayor of Philly, LA, Boston, SF, and DC, which were all slops of shit in the the 70s, 80s, and early 90s.

That's not true at all. The "clean up" was largely related to the lighting bylaws and the investment dollars of Disney. Giuliani had nothing to do with this although he likes to take credit for it.

That's true, but he was far from the only person to lead the fight. Fair point though that he was a key player.
I didnt know his past mayoral experience at all. Still, maybe he became more experienced bybthe time he got to NY ?Maybe he had seen what worked and what didnt ? Maybe he had Governers working against him ?

I dont remember lighting bylaws. Gonna have to look that up.
Investment money helps but all the money in the world isnt going to accomplish anything if it isnt backed by good decision making.
I actually attribute his success mostly to him being a no nonsense non pc kinda guy who saw the problem and attacked it without being swayed or hampered by the bleeding hearts that dont want to crack down on crime the way it needs to be sometimes.

Didnt he also implement some of the mosque surveillance that caught them raising money for terrorism ?
The same techniques that comrade de blasio said we're discriminatory and put a halt to ?

A member of the Big Money Bosses
I wonder how many are just easily replaceable low levels street dealers.

This won't make a big difference in a year but the crime stats for the police will likely skyrocket due to this.
I wonder how many are just easily replaceable low levels street dealers.

This won't make a big difference in a year but the crime stats for the police will likely skyrocket due to this.

Most of the time it is easily replaceable. In fact most are probably only guilty by association, and will get off for lack of evidence against them. I be no surprised if most never actually never commited a crime.

The black and Latino gangs are known for that. They just let in a whole bunch of people for safety in numbers.
I can dig it.
You get me.
I'd imagine helicopters and armored vehicles are necessary to safely take out 120 violent gang members.

omg militarization of the police
It is nice to see members of the mafia not being persecuted., it is a well-respected organization. Mothers And Fathers Italian Association.

I didnt know his past mayoral experience at all.

You completely missed the point. I was being sarcastic, he wasn't the mayor of any of those other cities that all went through tremendous gentrification at the same time. Giuliani likes to take credit as if his magic fairy pixie dust fixed everything, but it didn't. Similar reversal of crime and urban decay happened in several major US cities. The core of Chicago might be the most dramatic. Cabrini Green might be the notorious housing project in the US, it's now completely gentrified. THe area south of the loop was just terrible -- not anymore.

Increased policing definitely had something to do with it, but so did investment, Clinton era economic prosperity, a willingness of younger people to stay in big city cores -- rather than move to the burbs, and if you believe the freakinomics guys; availability of abortions.
You completely missed the point. I was being sarcastic, he wasn't the mayor of any of those other cities that all went through tremendous gentrification at the same time. Giuliani likes to take credit as if his magic fairy pixie dust fixed everything, but it didn't. Similar reversal of crime and urban decay happened in several major US cities. The core of Chicago might be the most dramatic. Cabrini Green might be the notorious housing project in the US, it's now completely gentrified. THe area south of the loop was just terrible -- not anymore.

Increased policing definitely had something to do with it, but so did investment, Clinton era economic prosperity, a willingness of younger people to stay in big city cores -- rather than move to the burbs, and if you believe the freakinomics guys; availability of abortions.
Were not talking about gentrification though. And I think you are way underestimating his tenacity in his fight against crime in the city and the impact that his no nonsense approach had. He took his DA style of doing things and it worked.
You dont have to agree with all his poitical views and thats fine, but to deny that he was a big part of cleaning up the city is false. 42nd st was all him.
Already happened years ago. LA is not overrun by gangs or gang violence. I live there.
They've simply changed their tactics. They're instructed by their higher-ups to not attract too much attention.

Gang activity is still prevalent, just not as visible as it was in the lates 80's-early 90's.

Huntington Park, son! WHAT!?
He absolutely did more than any other Mayor has done in NY. He made it a much safer place to be. He was the one to clean up 42nd st.
Trump is going to appt him to homeland security. Like him or not he did his job well.
He took on the Mob while prosecutor and hurt them big time. As far ass fighting crime goes the man is a modern day elliot ness.

We need more of this guy for modern times.