Social Kyle Rittenhouse Booed off Stage at University of Memphis When Faced With Protestors

What are you talking about? I don’t care about him as a person. I have repeatedly said he seems like a douche, but his actions on that night where he got railroaded by a shitty virtue signaling da because no one would dare go against blm in 2020.

And you still haven’t watched the video, so you are condemning him on those actions and you have zero idea or context from which to speak

Okay sure you don't.

You gotta man crush, just be honest.
Okay sure you don't.

You gotta man crush, just be honest.

Ok, I have been faking calling him a douche for years now. Meanwhile, just shut the fuck up since you’ve never even watched the video. What kind of ignorant douche argues something you know so little about? Oh yeah, that’s right-you
Well, if he was worried about his safety he could have stayed home and obeyed the curfew. You know, like followed the law. He was looking for some shit to get into.

Yet, all the rioters had the right to disobey curfew to riot and burn shit.
Ok, I have been faking calling him a douche for years now. Meanwhile, just shut the fuck up since you’ve never even watched the video. What kind of ignorant douche argues something you know so little about? Oh yeah, that’s right-you

I just wonder that with all the injustice in the world and all the tragedies that you think this creep is worth sticking up for. there must be a 100 million people and causes far more worthy of your support.

Even people from his own camp are calling him an ignorant POS. Certainly this contributed to what happened that night. We both know that if being white trash was a crime the kid would be on death row.

Why are you so entrenched in defending an idiot that brings a gun to a riot thinking he is going to fix things? Don't you have any other causes you feel strongly about besides gun shit?
I just wonder that with all the injustice in the world and all the tragedies that you think this creep is worth sticking up for. there must be a 100 million people and causes far more worthy of your support.

Even people from his own camp are calling him an ignorant POS. Certainly this contributed to what happened that night. We both know that if being white trash was a crime the kid would be on death row.

Why are you so entrenched in defending an idiot that brings a gun to a riot thinking he is going to fix things? Don't you have any other causes you feel strongly about besides gun shit?

I will defend the second amendment always. I am not defending kyle as a person, like I said, he seems like a douche, but I will defend his right and the rights of others to defend themselves against agression-something the left doesn’t like because it means their blm drones can’t attack people without someone fighting back. They don’t want us fighting back against street thugs and would rather see us disarmed while felons carry weapons without any repercussions-like grosskruetz, a felon with a firearm and one less bicep.

See, you only blame kyle for his actions for daring to show up at a riot while you give all the others a pass. Had he not been armed that night, he would have had at the very least, the shit best out of him by the pedo, rosenbaum. No one has to take an ass beating from an hyper aggressive pedophile who raped multiple children under the age of 11, so keep mourning his death and I will continue to defend the rights of self preservation and self defense.
Just because someone legally defended themselves does not automatically translate to being a great person.
I will say it again, Kyle is being used and will be milked for all his is worth and then discarded when there is not cash left to bleed out of him. I hope he has a good support system around him when that finally happens. I also hope he has saved some money.

- I already said. I dont see the point in going to a Kyle speak show. What he has to teach?

If it's self-defense shooting, theres several good teachers around.
Kyle become a celebrity by going to a place, full of idiots, and shooting a fish in a barrel, and he was lucky, because two of those fishs were criminals. If they were just stupid teen students?
I just wonder that with all the injustice in the world and all the tragedies that you think this creep is worth sticking up for. there must be a 100 million people and causes far more worthy of your support.

Even people from his own camp are calling him an ignorant POS. Certainly this contributed to what happened that night. We both know that if being white trash was a crime the kid would be on death row.

Why are you so entrenched in defending an idiot that brings a gun to a riot thinking he is going to fix things? Don't you have any other causes you feel strongly about besides gun shit?
He killed a pedophile sure sounds like he fixed some things to me when he was out there. The real question is why you're so MAD that citizens have the nerve to defend themselves in a riot.

You guys act like the very act of defending your community is somehow a morally negative action. How ridiculous. Maybe place some blame on the criminals that went there to commit more crimes. Every single person he shot at ended being some kind of horrific scumbag.

That isn't a coincidence. Wake up.
He killed a pedophile sure sounds like he fixed some things to me when he was out there. The real question is why you're so MAD that citizens have the nerve to defend themselves in a riot.

You guys act like the very act of defending your community is somehow a morally negative action. How ridiculous. Maybe place some blame on the criminals that went there to commit more crimes. Every single person he shot at ended being some kind of horrific scumbag.

That isn't a coincidence. Wake up.

While Kyle’s shooting skills are great, in truth, you couldn’t swing a dead cat in that crowd and not hit a felon or criminal. Yet @HomeCheese only wants the blm criminals to be armed and out after curfew, and god forbid someone else besides them TRAVEL ACROSS STATE LINES AND OUT OAST CURFEW!!!!

Cheese is a fool and is arguing out of his ass. He’s never even seen the video of the shootings. He refuses to watch them yet feels he has something worthwhile to contribute to the conversation by attacking anyone that defends Kyle’s actions on thet evening by stating that Kyle is not even supported by his previous supporters. I have always thought Kyle a douche, but he absolutely had the right to be there if the rioters had the right to be there.
He killed a pedophile sure sounds like he fixed some things to me when he was out there. The real question is why you're so MAD that citizens have the nerve to defend themselves in a riot.

You guys act like the very act of defending your community is somehow a morally negative action. How ridiculous. Maybe place some blame on the criminals that went there to commit more crimes. Every single person he shot at ended being some kind of horrific scumbag.

That isn't a coincidence. Wake up.
I think it says a lot about the difference between who the protesters were and who the rioters were.

I dunno about anyone else, but I'm not mad at the kid and nothing I have to say about him now has anything to do with the events for which he is known. I just think the continued effort to make a celebrity out of him is stupid and ultimately not in his best interests, only the interests of the people putting him into these situations.

You act and others ITT act like everyone who thinks this kid has become an opportunistic tool hates him when it's basically just an observation. At least in my case.
I think it says a lot about the difference between who the protesters were and who the rioters were.
Yet, you intentionally ignore the large percentage of "protestors" who either themselves violently rioted or supported those of who violently rioted.

I dunno about anyone else, but I'm not mad at the kid and nothing I have to say about him now has anything to do with the events for which he is known. I just think the continued effort to make a celebrity out of him is stupid and ultimately not in his best interests, only the interests of the people putting him into these situations.

You act and others ITT act like everyone who thinks this kid has become an opportunistic tool hates him when it's basically just an observation. At least in my case.

It's not an observation. It's another avenue to criticize Rittenhouse after the original narrative you creeps created about him crumbled into woke dust once his court case was completed. You'll spend the rest of your miserable life finding finding a way to criticize Rittenhouse as a stubborn and immature way to not admit you were wrong.
I think it says a lot about the difference between who the protesters were and who the rioters were.

I dunno about anyone else, but I'm not mad at the kid and nothing I have to say about him now has anything to do with the events for which he is known. I just think the continued effort to make a celebrity out of him is stupid and ultimately not in his best interests, only the interests of the people putting him into these situations.

You act and others ITT act like everyone who thinks this kid has become an opportunistic tool hates him when it's basically just an observation. At least in my case.
I don't think I'm acting that way. If you look through my posts you'll see I'm only really challenging people saying he didn't have the right to be there or who seem to be more upset with Kyle than the actual criminals that were there.

I think it's really ridiculous how many people on here seem to think the correct response to rioting, looting, and destroying property is for the citizens to just cower in fear and let it happen. I found his actions during this specific event to be heroic.

That being said in general he seems like kind of a tool. Multiple things can be true at the same time.
The only reason the left hates Rittenhouse so much is because he killed a pedophile, they always stand of for their own even when they are in the wrong. If Kyle and killed just a normal white person in self defense it wouldn't even be on the news.
i think 75% of the left still thinks he killed black people
There is nothing that triggers racist white people more than minorities demanding fair treatment and racial justice. Y'all literally fought a civil war over it and killed hundreds of thousands of your fellow Americans to try and keep black folks in chains. Y'all will literally write entire novels on karate forums trying to spread your racist brain rot to others. It's really sad. It's like there's a genetic defect in a certain number of white people that makes them this way.


You racist anti-BLM idiots said the exact same thing about MLK in his time, and then you have the gall to turn around today and try to quote him in order to uphold racial injustice and white supremacy.
Gotta be a troll job...
There is nothing that triggers racist white people more than minorities demanding fair treatment and racial justice. Y'all literally fought a civil war over it and killed hundreds of thousands of your fellow Americans to try and keep black folks in chains. Y'all will literally write entire novels on karate forums trying to spread your racist brain rot to others. It's really sad. It's like there's a genetic defect in a certain number of white people that makes them this way.


You racist anti-BLM idiots said the exact same thing about MLK in his time, and then you have the gall to turn around today and try to quote him in order to uphold racial injustice and white supremacy.

Wow. You live in the greatest country in the world and all you can do is bitch about it.

It's not someone else's fault that your life sucks.
Yet, you intentionally ignore the large percentage of "protestors" who either themselves violently rioted or supported those of who violently rioted.

It's not an observation. It's another avenue to criticize Rittenhouse after the original narrative you creeps created about him crumbled into woke dust once his court case was completed. You'll spend the rest of your miserable life finding finding a way to criticize Rittenhouse as a stubborn and immature way to not admit you were wrong.
Some of us don’t like watching a kid being used by others.
I just think the continued effort to make a celebrity out of him is stupid and ultimately not in his best interests, only the interests of the people putting him into these situations.

Yep. Dude should've just faded away into as close to a normal life as possible.
Yet, you intentionally ignore the large percentage of "protestors" who either themselves violently rioted or supported those of who violently rioted.

It's not an observation. It's another avenue to criticize Rittenhouse after the original narrative you creeps created about him crumbled into woke dust once his court case was completed. You'll spend the rest of your miserable life finding finding a way to criticize Rittenhouse as a stubborn and immature way to not admit you were wrong.
lol what a bunch of garbage. "Whatabout the protestors?" is an irrelevant strawman.

You're projecting all your emotional investment in this topic on me. I truly don't give a fraction of a shit about this kid. As I already said, the whole story was concluded when the trial verdict was read as far as I am concerned. If not for this thread or people bumping that old one the subject would never cross my mind. Since the thread is here though I expressed my only opinion on this which is he's a tool; he should consider his 15 minutes over and go home. But that's ultimately none of my business so it's all a bunch of whatever to me.

So take your whining and rationalizing elsewhere. LOL again @ miserable. Talk about projecting.
I don't see how he's being "used" a la David Hogg or Greta Thurnberg.
Greta is definitely being used, and I feel sorry for her as well. She like Kyle, does not seem to be very sophisticated. I think with her there is still meat left on the bone, to keep her out in the spotlight to make some cash off of her. I feel Kyle is on minute 14 for his 15 minutes. Kyle has said he wanted to be a paramedic, he would be better suited going back to doing that, then letting people put him in bad situations that is not in his wheel house. Blue check mark rage peddlers enjoy going places and getting yelled at, because pretending to be a victim or you were wronged equals clicks, and rube clicks equal money. What I have seen from Kyle that is not his personality.
I think Hogg initially thought he was going to make change after a traumatic event. Now I think he is a fame and clout chaser. That is today's society. There has been lots of groups that started out wanting to make good change, and then got caught up in the fame and money. Moms for Threesomes err I mean Liberty and BLM are two examples of good ideas going terribly wrong.

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