Krav Maga


Brown Belt
Jan 8, 2006
Reaction score
How affective is it for striking, grappling, all around?

thanks for the help
In what context?

If you are looking for training to compete in MMA, Krav is not the path of choice. Look for a MMA gym or combine MT and BJJ (or one of the other mixes suggested often on the board).

If you have no significant prior training and are looking for some good basic combative skills for defensive applications, Krav would be a nice starting point. Krav will provide a solid foundation in basic strikes. There is very little 'ground fighting'. Instruction is more along the lines of preventing getting taken down and if taken down how to get out of there. The training I've observed is pad and light sparring based, no form/katas. Good on the conditioning aspect.

As with all styles, quality varies with the instructor.

Disclaimer: I have only observed classes not trained for any substantial period in Krav Maga
Krav is the TKD of our generation.

Unsurpassed marketing, the ocasional very rare decent school, shitty quality control of "certified" instructors and silly pricing.

On the positive side, it does a decent job of letting fat soccer moms know it's ok to go ape shit crazy on an attacker *. It's also a far better dating pool than any kind of hardcore boxing, mt, bjj, mma gym is going to be.

* I'm serious about this ... a lot of girls seem to grow up with this idea that resisting an attack is bad. No the bad man will not go away if you start crying.
Most of the hardcore techniques of Krav Maga are unuseable in MMA. You can't kick a guy in the nuts, you can't gouge a guys eyes, you can't bite his nose off... These are the serious dirty fighting techniques you'll learn in Krav Maga that separate it from the rest of the martial arts. The other thing that separates it is it trains lots of anti-weapon techniques. Learning how not to get stabbed or shot is also useless in MMA. take away all of that and Krav Maga is basically just a very simplified version of MMA crosstraining.
CowboyPete said:
.. These are the serious dirty fighting techniques you'll learn in Krav Maga that separate it from the rest of the martial arts. The other thing that separates it is it trains lots of anti-weapon techniques.

Uhm.... as opposed to all the kung fu, silat, FMA, Japanese JJ, etc etc schools? Hell, half the tkd and karate schools will claim to cover both of those. I freely admit that none of them will train you to gouge eyes while wearing stylish hand wraps.
Aardvark said:
Krav is the TKD of our generation.

I dont know about that, Krav is not a traditional martial art, no katas and no rules.

Krav to me seems to be purely about street self defense, not engaging in a ritualized combat with a willing participant like mma is.

I have never done Krav, but have trained mma for a few years, we had a dude with a krav background come to my school and spar a few times.

His hands werent to bad, his stand up was exactly the same as to what we train (muay thai), his ground game was much more limited, but he was effective at pulling guard and getting out from underneath someone and getting away (i assuming this is what they teach).

I think the techniques of Krav and MMA are the same, but the philosphy is different, Krav is all about self defense it seems, basically defending yourself to neutralize the threat or giving your self enough time to get away (he was excellent at getting back to his feet once on his back). MMA of course is about knocking out or subbing your opponent, two similar but different goals.

Bas Rutten seems to endorse it and I dont think he would endorse anything he didnt feel was legit, even if it did make him money. I have his street fighting video and he show some krav maga techniques and makes reference to them.
Well I've decided to start in some martial arts and I was thinking of starting with a standup style before starting BJJ.

The problem is there aren't many gyms near me, and 90% of the ones that are, are based on self defence or cardio kickboxing.

Out of these options, which ones would work well with BJJ?

Krav Maga
Pa Qua
Tai Chi
Kickboxing (not sure how good this place is)


EDIT: I left out Tai Kwan Do, Karate, Jiu Jitsu

and forgot to mention there is no MT or boxing where I live
vision1 said:
Well I've decided to start in some martial arts and I was thinking of starting with a standup style before starting BJJ.

The problem is there aren't many gyms near me, and 90% of the ones that are, are based on self defence or cardio kickboxing.

Out of these options, which ones would work well with BJJ?

Krav Maga
Pa Qua
Tai Chi
Kickboxing (not sure how good this place is)


EDIT: I left out Tai Kwan Do, Karate, Jiu Jitsu

and forgot to mention there is no MT or boxing where I live

probably the kick boxing, then the krav, krav incorporates weapons and grappling which will be sort of redundant if your already taking bjj, so the kickboxing if it is legit would be best
The kickboxing is in a gym which mainly does TKD (i think). Would this affect is quality at all?
you can't juge the quality of an instructor based on what gym he trains at, you can find awesome Judo instructors at leisure centres across the uk and you can find fantastic JJ instructors at mainly karate based gyms
he might be a great kick boxing instructor or he might be an awful one, we'd need more info than what gym he teaches at though mate because he might just be there because the facilities are the best he can afford
Trudge said:
you can't juge the quality of an instructor based on what gym he trains at, you can find awesome Judo instructors at leisure centres across the uk and you can find fantastic JJ instructors at mainly karate based gyms
he might be a great kick boxing instructor or he might be an awful one, we'd need more info than what gym he teaches at though mate because he might just be there because the facilities are the best he can afford

Alright I'll check it out
a krav maga guy tried to choke me standing up, i broke his finger
Darth Shlong said:
a krav maga guy tried to choke me standing up, i broke his finger

Was this guy a bad fighter for his amount of experience, or did he just make a mistake?
Aardvark said:
Uhm.... as opposed to all the kung fu, silat, FMA, Japanese JJ, etc etc schools? Hell, half the tkd and karate schools will claim to cover both of those. I freely admit that none of them will train you to gouge eyes while wearing stylish hand wraps.

None of those martial arts train against guns. Krav Maga trains a lot against guns because it was invented by a military for a military. The wealth of gun disarming techniques in Krav Maga along with the techniques for getting to a position to safely draw your gun. You can't argue that that is matched by any other popular martial art.
Krav Maga is a modern day Joke thanks to the likes of John Whitman and Darrin Levine. Mr. Levine spent a total of 8 weeks in training before he received his Black belt and then decided to come to Ameria and trade mark the system and then not allowing the real Krav maga guys here in the states teach it without paying him a monthly fee. IT IS A JOKE!!!! TKD has more respct than KM
CowboyPete said:
None of those martial arts train against guns. Krav Maga trains a lot against guns because it was invented by a military for a military. The wealth of gun disarming techniques in Krav Maga along with the techniques for getting to a position to safely draw your gun. You can't argue that that is matched by any other popular martial art.

I hope you're kidding. Chosing a martial art on the basis of gun disarms and gun retention?
What are you, 12?

First off, you do realize that the formalization and present day form of TKD was due to the Korean army taking it up, right? Secondly, it's been argued to death that militaries are NOT the place to go for unarmed combat. No war has been won on the basis of unarmed combat in millenia. Even elite units do a paltry amount of unarmed training (for good reason) compared to even recreational martial artists.

Most importantly, the average person looking for an MA is not a soldier. Their needs and rights are completely different. Things that make sense to teach someone who's serving on a battlefield have no place in a civilian setting.

As I said, superb marketing.
zenshin said:
Krav Maga is a modern day Joke thanks to the likes of John Whitman and Darrin Levine. Mr. Levine spent a total of 8 weeks in training before he received his Black belt and then decided to come to Ameria and trade mark the system and then not allowing the real Krav maga guys here in the states teach it without paying him a monthly fee. IT IS A JOKE!!!! TKD has more respct than KM

tell me more
krav maga is better for self-defense. i don't think most of the techniques used there can be applied for mma.