Kiwi's log



Just some real light work tonight.

Seated med ball throw:
4kg x 8 x 4

DB bench:
24kg x 12
30kg x 8 x 3
20kg x 20

BW x 12 x 4

60kg x 5
100kg x 5 x 3

Standing roll-outs:
BW x 5 x 3

Med ball drop sit-up:
5kg x 50

Cutting sucks. Zero energy and motivation at the moment. I don't want to do anything. Training is going to suck.

Muay Thai:

Warmed up with 3 x 3-minute rounds of skipping and a round on the double-end bag working timing with hands. From there, 3 rounds of bag work, 3 rounds of Thai pads, then a round and a half on the heavy bag to finish. Just cruising through tonight. Wednesday nights on cut week are always hard yakka. Just the cut itself to focus on now.

Strength and conditioning:

Standing box jump:
75cm x 5
85cm x 4
95cm x 3 x 2
105cm x 3 x 3

Seated med ball throw:
6kg x 12 x 4

40kg x 3
50kg x 3 x 2
60kg x 3
65kg x 2 x 2

Incline treadmill sprints:
Warm up walking, then a minute jogging at 15% incline.
20 seconds at 15k, 40 seconds off
20 seconds at 16k, 40 seconds off, x 3
20 seconds at 15k, 40 seconds off, x 3
Cool down

Trap bar deadlift:
70kg x 5
110kg x 4
140kg x 3
160kg x 2 x 3

Ring work:
2 muscle-up, 5 leg raise, 5 dips. Focus on RTO at extension.
4 sets.

Incline DB press:
24kg x 15 x 3
DB box step-up:
20kg/arm x 8/leg x 3
BW x 8 x 3

Muay Thai:

A whole load of sparring. More sparring done today than in my whole camp leading into my last fight. Turned up to the gym with a crew I used to spar regularly with in Wellington. Warmed up for a round on a bag, then straight into it. The whole session was just 2-minute rounds, 60 seconds rest, helping a friend get ready for her first muay Thai fight in a long time. No idea how many rounds we did, but it was about an hour and a half of solid work. 2 weeks since my last fight and I'm feeling the rest and the extra food that I've had. Fat and unfit. Real good time though, and glad that my most recent scar from my last fight is holding up well now as well.

Strength and conditioning:

Warmed up, then some bounding drills. Bounds in a series of 3 over different sized boxes, 5 reps per set, 5 sets.

Dumbbell snatch:
30kg x 4/arm x 2
32kg x 4/arm x 2

Med ball slam + rotational throw:
10kg x 5/side x 4

Barbell step-up:
70kg x 6/leg x 4

Landmine push press:
20kg x 8/arm x 4

Rowing intervals:
Set distance to 1250m. At the start of every 2 minutes, row 250m, then rest the rest of the 2 minutes. First row completed within 45 seconds, so 75 seconds rest until the start of the next 2 minutes. The faster the row, the longer the rest period. Continue for 5 intervals, total distance 1250m.


Bar x 10
60kg x 8
80kg x 5
100kg x 5
120kg x 4 x 2
130kg x 3
140kg x 2 x 2

50kg x 10
60kg x 8
70kg x 6
80kg x 4 x 2
Superset each set of bench with a set of 8 chin-ups each set

Walking KB lunge:
20kg/arm x 10 steps/leg x 4
Ring dips:
BW x 10 x 4

Leg raise (ring support):
BW x 5 x 3
Double-crunch (bench):
BW x 12 x 3

Out of town for work, got a free trial at a local gym. It's pretty decent, fairly standard large commercial gym. Fairly decent range of equipment, including a trap bar, decent power racks. A couple of Oly platforms, but no bumpers though, that was weird. Somewhat short on time this morning before work. Workout was just over an hour all up. This evening will be trying to get out and hit a good little run up some hills nearby if the weather holds up. If not, I'm sure I'll find something to go pest around and do. Maybe see about a gymnastics gym with open floor time.

Muay Thai:

Warmed up with 10 minutes of skipping and a round of shadow boxing. From there, moved into clinch work. 5 x 5-minute rounds, with a minute break between rounds. During the minute break, 20 push-ups, 20 sit-ups, and 20 kicks per leg. Working with a friend, helping her get ready for a fight in 6 weeks or so. Finished the session with 200 knees. Suspecting that I might have fractured a rib or something back in June when I fought, as it still hurts from then- hasn't come right at all since then. Also, rolled an ankle pretty well today. That sucked.


60kg x 8
80kg x 5
100kg x 5
120kg x 4
130kg x 2
140kg x 1
150kg x 1 x 3
100kg x 10

65kg x 5
105kg x 5
125kg x 3
145kg x 3 x 2
165kg x 2 x 3

Followed with some upper back fluff work. Can't quite remember it.


Incline bench press:
Bar x 15
40kg x 15
50kg x 8
60kg x 5 x 3

Incline DB press:
22kg x 16, 18 reps

Barbell row (supine grip):
60kg x 12 x 3
DB rear delt fly:
4kg x 12 x 3

Hammer curl:
12.5kg x 15 x 3

Working with the WS4SB 3 template for the next little while. Workouts are short enough that I can just go to the gym and get them done at lunch. It's a good option for a bit of variety combined with having a routine/template to follow.

Muay Thai:

First time back at Scorpion Gym for ages- since my fight, actually. Left ankle still a little sketchy, but mainly just feeling unfit. Warm up was 60 seconds of an exercise, 30 seconds rest. Order was burpees, shadow boxing, lunges, shadow boxing, leg raises, shadow boxing, burpees again. From there, onto a circuit. 2 minute rounds, 30 seconds rest. Rotated through the double end bag first, to 4 rounds on different heavy bags in a row, a round of shadow with weights, a round of sandbag runs for lengths of the gym with a push-up at each end, then a round of sledgehammer swings. After that, onto pad rounds. Held for my buddy Carl first for 3 x 3s, then he held for me. Had one short round first, then one round which wound up being about a 5-minute round. From there, a couple rounds of light sparring to finish. Fat boy so fat, so unfit.


Depth jump:
From a 40cm box to 120cm x 3 x 6

KB Step-ups (extra ROM):
BW x 8/leg
16kg/arm x 8/leg x 3

45-degree back extensions:
20kg x 10 x 3

Leg raise to inverted hang:
BW x 5 x 3

Second day of the WS4SB programme. Nice and quick session after work. Step-ups onto a tall box are hard, especially with good control.
Last edited:


Sumo deadlift:
70kg x 5
100kg x 5
120kg x 3
140kg x 3
160kg x 3
170kg x 3

Barbell Bulgarian split squat:
Bar x 8/leg
50kg x 6/leg x 3

Romanian deadlift:
60kg x 12
90kg x 8 x 3
Been a fun week of being down with the sickness. Still snotty, but back into it a bit today.



40kg x 3
50kg x 3
55kg x 2
60kg x 2 x 5


50 sledgehammer swings
25 KB swings @ 20kg
40 sledgehammer swings
20 KB swings
30 sledgehammer swings
15 KB swings
20 sledgehammer swings
10 KB swings
10 sledgehammer swings
5 KB swings

Lunchtime session. Voluntarily did conditioning all on my lonesome. Officially back to being #fitspo as fuck.

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