Kiwi's Log- lifting, fighting, beer, and Pokemon mastery.



60kg x 5
100kg x 5
120kg x 5
140kg x 5
150kg x 3 x 2
160kg x 2 x 3 (fucking struggle street)
140kg x 5

BW x 8
12.5kg x 5 x 3
17.5kg x 3 x 3
BW x 10

Barbell row:
60kg x 8 x 4

Lat pulldown:
42 x 15
54 x 10
60 x 8
48 x 12
42 x 15

Straight-arm pulldown:
42 x 12 x 5

Pretty much everything felt shitty today, starting with the first set of heavy deadlifts. I honestly can't remember being this weak in the gym- no idea when the last time I couldn't hit 160kg for an easy double was. Each set felt like a 10/10 RPE. The only comforting thing really is knowing that it's only up from here.


Bar x 10
60kg x 6 x 2
80kg x 5
100kg x 5
110kg x 5
120kg x 4
130kg x 3
140kg x 1
70kg x 20

Squat at 130 was a bit of a grinder. I'll take it as a PR triple for the moment.

Good morning:
Bar x 10
40kg x 8
50kg x 8
60kg x 6 x 3

Front rack lunges:
40kg x 20 paces x 3

Leg press (superset wide stance and close stance):
120kg x 10 + 10
160kg x 10 + 10 x 3

Muay Thai:

Finished the strength session up with a while of bag work. Recorded one of the rounds. Everything's starting to feel better now, the obvious exception being the fitness still missing. Haven't done any training for myself this week as I've been focusing on holding pads for both Junior and Daria for their upcoming fights. Junior has had his fight, and now Daria's leaving for Thailand for her fight on Wednesday this week, so should be able to focus a bit more on me. I did get video of one round though:


5 minute straight-arm plank hold as a finisher.

Operation Fat-as Fatass has begun, as I might be getting offered a fight in a few weeks' time. Either way, getting back in shape time now, so moving away from the bro-style workouts, back to something resembling actual strength work to be done 2-3 days a week.


40kg - Power snatch + 2 hang snatch x 3 sets
45kg x 2 sets
50kg x 2 sets
55kg x 1 set
60kg - power snatch x 1 x 2 setss
65kg power snatch x 1 x 2 sets

Final rep at 65kg.

Front rack walking lunges:
40kg x 16 paces
50kg x 12 paces x 3

Bench press:
Bar x 10
40kg x 8
50kg x 6
60kg x 6
70kg x 5, 5, 5, 8 reps

BW x 10 x 3

BW x 10 x 2

Muay Thai:

Spent the session working on a couple of different bags, going between general bag work and rounds of working short range technique on a tear drop bag in the gym. Wanting to be more active when I clinch in terms of scoring knees, so working on find balance and position to be able to fire them off well, particularly after turning.


Finished the session with a few sets of toes-to-bar.


Hill sprints today. Jogged to the hill, which was about a km, then pretty much straight into it for 5 sets. Sprinted to the top, then turned around and walked back down. Upon reaching the bottom, straight into the next one. When finished final one just jogged/crawled straight back home.

This sucked. I started each sprint as hard as possible, by the time I hit the top of the hill I was barely able to make it a jog. Lots more running coming up.

Muay Thai:

A couple of training sessions today. First session was the morning, one-on-one pads and sparring with Junior at my 24-hour gym while the fight gym was closed. A good few rounds, although it's hard learning someone else's style of holding pads- especially as Junior has a more tricky style, whereas everything I do is relatively bread and butter. He held for me first, then I held for him, then we sparred for maybe 20 minutes or so. I need to invest in a new mouth guard.

Session 2 was in the evening, after work. I skipped to warm up, hit a bag for a bit, then got into some pad rounds with Junior again. I gave him some drills I wanted to work on the focus mitts, and we did those for maybe 20 minutes, before swapping for sparring. One other guy joined us, and we did 16 minutes of 1-in-1-out, rotating on the minute. After that, the same again with clinching.

Very out of shape at the moment. I don't remember when the last time I got so tired on pads was. I'm going to enjoy doing more serious one-on-one work with Junior as opposed to the classes- the classes are good for fitness, but it's not just fitness I need, it's improving my specific flaws and getting ready to actually fight that I need. Nothing against my gym or trainers, love them to pieces, but the focus is on classes and numbers, rather than fighters. I need more direct fight training than just paying for the PT sessions with the coaches.

Muay Thai:

A couple of training sessions today. First session was the morning, one-on-one pads and sparring with Junior at my 24-hour gym while the fight gym was closed. A good few rounds, although it's hard learning someone else's style of holding pads- especially as Junior has a more tricky style, whereas everything I do is relatively bread and butter. He held for me first, then I held for him, then we sparred for maybe 20 minutes or so. I need to invest in a new mouth guard.

Session 2 was in the evening, after work. I skipped to warm up, hit a bag for a bit, then got into some pad rounds with Junior again. I gave him some drills I wanted to work on the focus mitts, and we did those for maybe 20 minutes, before swapping for sparring. One other guy joined us, and we did 16 minutes of 1-in-1-out, rotating on the minute. After that, the same again with clinching.

Very out of shape at the moment. I don't remember when the last time I got so tired on pads was. I'm going to enjoy doing more serious one-on-one work with Junior as opposed to the classes- the classes are good for fitness, but it's not just fitness I need, it's improving my specific flaws and getting ready to actually fight that I need. Nothing against my gym or trainers, love them to pieces, but the focus is on classes and numbers, rather than fighters. I need more direct fight training than just paying for the PT sessions with the coaches.
go to dentist bruh


Power snatch:
40kg x 3 x 2
45kg x 3
50kg x 3
55kg x 3
60kg x 3 x 2

Medicine ball cross-over push-ups:
BW x 20 x 3

Standing broad jumps:
Max distance, turn around, jump back.
4 sets of 5 reps.

Overhead barbell sit-ups:
20kg x 10 x 3

Barbell sit-ups were fun. I might start doing these more regularly. Had a friend on FB recommend trying them with feet anchored in order to load them sometime, which I might give a jam.

Trying to make my strength training a little more reflective of what the actual demands for my sport are- once a week will be aiming to have a training session based around developing power/explosiveness, in addition to a session or two more dedicated to general strength. I'm going to be reading a lot more into drills focused around explosive work, have had a couple of good recommendations for resources to start with so far.

go to dentist bruh

You leave my wisdom teeth alone.


40kg x 3 x 2
45kg x 3
50kg x 2 x 2
55kg x 1
60kg x 1
62.5kg x 1
65kg x 1
67.5kg x 1 x 2
70kg x miss x 2

Barbell lunges, front rack:
40kg x 16 paces
50kg x 12 paces
55kg x 12 paces x 2

Bar x 10
40kg x 8
50kg x 8
60kg x 6
70kg x 5
75kg x 3 x 2
80kg x 2 x 4

BW x 10 x 5


4 rounds:
10 kettlebell swings (32kg)
20 push-ups
30 box jumps with step down
40 sledgehammer swings


Hanging leg raise to inverted hang, 3 sets of 6 reps


7km run as a warm-up before training. Easy pace for the most part. Run was untimed, no heart rate monitor either.

Muay Thai:

Held pads for Junior straight after the run for 20 minutes, as he's got a fight coming up this weekend. After holding pads, some drills for a while and then sparring. I was relatively knackered at this stage already, as it was a fairly large afternoon of training. Finished the session off with sets of BW exercises, 2 sets of 30 kicks each leg (120 kicks total), a few hundred knees, and some core exercises.
Hoping that the extra running makes a difference to my cardio. Right now though, I feel like I need a lot more padwork, sparring and clinching with good guys- the classes are great for fitness, but they don't let me work on my weaknesses the way I need to. Having Junior to do pads with has been great, as he's not shy about helping me find what I'm doing wrong and telling me by smacking me with a pad. I like to think I'm fairly objective about my own bad habits etc but you can never go wrong with someone else giving you their input as well.

Strength and conditioning:

Upper body mobility drills focusing on scapular activation/protraction, leg swings, and then some skill work focusing on handstands and ring support holds. Trying to keep rings turned out and scaps depressed.

40kg x 3 x 2
50kg x 3
55kg x 2
60kg x 2 x 4

High-bar back squat:
Bar x 10
60kg x 8
80kg x 5 x 3

BW x 5 x 4. Focus on pulling as high as possible and keeping body in hollow position.
Alternate with
Ring dips:
BW x 6 x 4. Focus on RTO at top of movement, trying not to let rings turn in throughout.

Wide ring row:
BW x 8 x 3
Alternate with
Straight-arm frog stand:
3 sets of as long as possible. Main thing here is trying to keep arms straight while finding balance on hands.

3 sets of as long as possible on P-bars. First set was with legs extended. Next sets bent at knees, but focused more strongly on pushing the hips through (advanced tuck).

First time doing any sort of gymnastic strength training for a fair while. Quite enjoyed playing on rings again- it's something I haven't done much of at all over the past couple of years. Hoping to be able to get stronger with them, as well as start re-learning some of the more advanced BW stuff that I used to be able to do (front lever, back lever, etc). There's a lot of mobility stuff I want to work on too.

Strength and conditioning:

Upper body mobility and bodyline drills. Plank, reverse plank, side planks, hollow body and superman hold, each for 60 seconds.


40kg x 3 x 2
50kg x 3
50kg x 1 x 2
55kg x 1
60kg x 1
65kg x 1 x 2

High-bar back squat:

Bar x 10
60kg x 5
80kg x 5
100kg x 5 x 3

Strict muscle-up, rings:
BW x 5 x 3

Rope climb:
BW x 3 ascents
Alternate with
Ring dip:
BW x 6 x 3, focus on keeping rings turned out as much as possible through the movement.

L-sit practice:

3 sets of tucked L-sit on rings, held for as long as possible. Focus on pushing hips through again.

Muay Thai:

Sparring class tonight. Warmed up with some shadow, then a couple of drills focusing on parrying, catching and other counters to the teep. From there, moved into 5-minute rounds of sparring. First round I had was against the newest trainer at our gym- a Thai named Yo, who is only a little over 5 feet tall. As it is he's a very experienced trainer, as well as having been a fighter when he was a bit younger, so he was still able to outwit and outplay me quite easily. It was a good round for learning though. After that, sparred again through the usual fighters that I go with, plus one other new guy. After a good while of sparring, we finished the session with 5 minutes of running knees on the bags, a set of 50 kicks each leg, and 50 sit-ups. Cooled down with a little stretching and that was it.

Overall I felt alright. Still making a lot of adjustments, but it's good focusing myself in certain directions for training at the moment. Definitely fairly fat and out of shape compared to where I'll need to be by the time I have my next fight. All told, mainly just happy to be back to enjoying training again.

Strength and conditioning:

Warmed up with upper body mobility, focusing on scapular retraction. Bodyline work, then 5 minutes or so of handstand practice.

60kg x 3 x 2
70kg x 3
80kg x 2 x 2
90kg x 1 x 2
95kg x 1 x 2
100kg x 1 (PR)

BW x 6 x 4. Focus on pulling as high as possible while holding hollow body position.
Alternate with
Ring dip:
BW x 8 x 4. Focus was on keeping rings turned out the entire movement. Slowly getting better at holding RTO support position.

Barbell step-up:
50kg x 6/leg x 4 @ 16" box

Deep pseudo-planche push-ups (rings):
BW x 6 x 3. Focus was on keeping rings turned out, hands as low to near hips as possible, and ROM full enough to pass through the rings each rep.
Alternate with
Tucked front lever pulls:
BW x 5 x 3. Focus was on keeping back flat, and keeping elbows straight. Each rep included a 2-sec pause hold.

Finished with L-sit work on rings.


Fasted cardio session.

Started off with some LISS. Easy jog for 6km or so- about half an hour or so. No HR monitor or actual timer, but it was a fairly low intensity/low RPE training session. After that, moved onto some interval training.

5 rounds:
90 seconds airdyne at low intensity
30 seconds airdyne at max intensity

Each 30 second interval was at an unsustainable pace/intensity.

Cooled down with a couple minutes of light biking on the airdyne.

Muay Thai:

Warmed up with 2 x 5 minute rounds of skipping, then a round of shadow boxing. Moved into 5 x 3-minute rounds of bag work with a 60-second break in between each. First 4 rounds were focusing on individual combinations, working a 1-2-rip-hook, 1-2-rip-right roundhouse, 1-hook-cross to the body-right kick, 1-hook-right elbow-right knee. Last 2 rounds were freestyle bag rounds.

As a finisher, 3 sets of 40 second isometric chin-up holds.
Great stuff, dude. I'm digging the diversity of the movements in your log.
Great stuff, dude. I'm digging the diversity of the movements in your log.

Cheers man. To be honest, I don't think that for my sport there's much to be gained by increasing my max strength too much from where it is at the moment. My strength work, for the most part, is to keep me enjoying what I do while trying not to lose anything from where I am at the moment.



40kg x 3 x 2
50kg x 3
55kg x 2 x 2
60kg x 1 x 2
Fucking horrible snatching today. Left my good shoes at home so was going barefoot and was just feeling fucky in general.

Ice cream makers:
BW x 6 x 3
Performed from pull-up bar.
Alternate with
RTO dips:
BW x 8 x 3
Feeling much better with these lately. Able to keep the rings turned out much more consistently through the whole ROM.

3 sets of max length holds. Aiming for 3 sets of 30 seconds.

Muay Thai:

More solo work today. Warmed up with 2 x 5-minute rounds of skipping with the heavy Thai rope and a round of shadow boxing. After that, 5 x 3-minute rounds of bag work. Each round, focused on a combo for the first half, then freestyled for the second half of the round. Combinations each round were:
Jab-right roundhouse
1-2-left roundhouse
1-2-left roundhouse-2-right roundhouse
1-right elbow-skip left knee
Finished with some close-distance elbow and knee work, no gloves on.


Immediately after Thai boxing stuff.

5 rounds:
Rope climb, 15ft
10 Russian swing @ 32kg
10 clapping press-ups
10 tuck jumps

Time: 7:40.
This shit sucks. I forgot how much I hate getting in shape. I'd much rather be in shape than be getting in shape. Let's never be a lazy sack of shit again. Rope climbs are fucking terrible when fatigued.

Finished the session with a couple of sets of 50 reps of a couple variations of sit-ups.


Bar x 10
45kg x 5
55kg x 4 x 2
65kg x 3 x 2
70kg x 3 x 5

Bar x 10
70kg x 5
85kg x 5 x 2
100kg x 5 x 5

45kg x 5
55kg x 5
65kg x 4 x 4

BW x 10 x 4 (wide-grip)

DB fly:
17.5kg x 10 x 5
superset with
DB rear delt raise:
5kg x 10 x 5

Good morning:
40kg x 5
50kg x 5 x 4

Hammies feel exceptionally tight doing good mornings. Probably a combination of A- not having done them for ages, and B- not stretching enough. Both can be fixed. Fun session.


For time:
250m row
21 push-ups
21 v-ups
250m row
15 push-ups
15 v-ups
250m row
9 push-ups
9 v-ups

Done straight after strength work. Something short and sharp to finish the session with. Kept pace each row around 1:45/500m, with the first one being slightly faster (1:42 pace).


40kg x 3 x 2
50kg x 2 x 2
55kg x 2
60kg x 1 x 2
65kg x 1 x 2
70kg x 1

Tyre sprints:
4 sets of about 25 meters out, then 25 meters back dragging a tyre behind me on the gym floor (weighs about 70kg).


Airdyne intervals:
Warm up 2-3 minutes.
20 seconds max (unsustainable) intensity
40 seconds low intensity
Repeat for 8 rounds.
Good job putting in work man, long time lurker coming out of the wood work to say it's pretty refreshing to see a fellow kiwi on here.
Cheers man. To be honest, I don't think that for my sport there's much to be gained by increasing my max strength too much from where it is at the moment.

I was going to ask you exactly this... whether you think you might actually be strong enough for MT- at least given the amount of effort you'd have to put in to get appreciably stronger. I'm also curious- how many other nak muays do you think can squat twice their bodyweight or clean 1.5x their bodyweight?

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