Kind of skinny fat...


White Belt
Feb 23, 2016
Reaction score
So, I've been doing kickboxing and even competing for a few years now, but nothing has changed.
I'm currently 17 now, and when I was few years younger (like 12-13) I was pretty fat, but then I decided to
change it and I started to do regular runs and cardio. I lost a lot of weight, but my body composition was not
really good, and it didn't look good, even though I was pretty skinny with a low BMI (as I am now). When I started doing kickboxing I thought everything would change with the amount of training I had. After few years I realized nothing changed really much and I was still skinny but with an amount of fat. Then I found out that my body is in a condition called "skinny fat". So now, I'm basically skinny, with a really really low BMI, but my body composition is not really fit (bit of hips, belly is not fat but not lean , chest not really lean, but skinny legs and arms), I also realized I'm not that capable in strength trainings. So, I really want to change my body composition, but I don't want to gain weight (muscle) because I'm in a specific weight class.
Any ideas guys? What would you do? Also sorry for the long post.
Thanks to everyone for helping out.
Simple. Just replace the fat with muscles and you'll still be in the same weight class.

I'm srs.
Simple. Just replace the fat with muscles and you'll still be in the same weight class.

I'm srs.
But isn't muscle heavier than fat? I'm little bit worried that I would exceed my weight class really... also - thanks for the quick reply :)
I see myself in you a little bit.

At your age, I was skinny fat too. I took up Muay Thai at 16, lost a tremendous amount of weight, and took up weightlifting shortly afterwards.
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But isn't muscle heavier than fat? I'm little bit worried that I would exceed my weight class really... also - thanks for the quick reply :)

No it's not. That's a myth that you'll need to erase from your mind.

Lift weights. Eat less. That's all you need to know.
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But isn't muscle heavier than fat? I'm little bit worried that I would exceed my weight class really... also - thanks for the quick reply :)

Techncally, muscle is more dense than fat. About 18% more dense.

But a pound of fat weighs the exact same as one pound of muscle. So if you lost 10 pounds of fat and replaced it with 10 pounds of muscle, you weigh exactly the same.

Now, if you lost one cubic foot of fat and replaced it with one cubic foot of muscle, then you would indeed weigh more. Because you are replacing volume, and muscle is more dense per unit volume than fat.

So heed the advice of others... replace N pounds of fat with N pounds of muscle.

Just lift weights, your 17 not a professional fighter, decide whats more important. Its also pretty easy to lose muscle mass from not lifting. trust me. Man the fuck up
Seriously, you can lift weights. Don't stress out about your weight class so much.
so as others were saying you can replace fat with muscle.
can you lose any water weight? as long as you can healthily regain it...
Yeah you're 17 so you still have time to grow so whatever your comfortable weight class is now might not be what it is in a few years time. Don't sweat it. And as T-Bone said, if you gain muscle and lose fat you can weigh the same weight but have a lower body fat %.
Man up, lift weights and perform at the weight class that is natural for you wherever you are at.

A lion does not cut weight to fight hyenas.
Do yourself a favor and forget the term "BMI"

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