Yeah ignoring conor and drama is a great way to get ppv buys...Khabib just needs to sit back and focus at the task at hand. Let conor do the promotional work.
Smiling, doesn't give a fuck, ignores him<45>
thisWhat did conor tweet?
Should have pointed out the simaliraites between conors dad and postman pat
Should have said how Conor's dads wife was trying to bone Jeremy Stephens
Beeb needs to get a translator on his phone if he wants to beef dem PPV's. They don't buy PPV's in Dagestan. I want popcorn!"In the morning I woke up and realized: whoever is not with us is not with us, Vainakh is always with us.
And since the games are said to have gone, we are expecting war"
That's what it translates to
Should have said how Conor's dads wife was trying to bone Jeremy Stephens. Im sure Conor's dad was thrilled when this pic appeared on social media.