Khabib's manager suffered injured rib during bus attack

Pequeño Corey

Steve Lukather Belt
Platinum Member
Nov 12, 2014
Reaction score
Ali Abdelaziz, manager to the stars, suffered a rib injury during the notorious bus attack.

Ilir Latifi, who almost guillotined OSP's head off, was attempting to restrain Ali from leaving the bus and accidentally broke him.

"Latifi cracked my fucking rib...he grabbed rib is fucked up."

That's some serious power. I'm expecting big things from Latifi.
Everyone is coming for that Red Panty Night...GL Conor
I heard that happened, no doubt if Latifi squeezed someone hard enough he could crack all your ribs, not just one, but we all know how full of shit Ali is. Ali is on the same full of shit level as Dana.
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I heard that happened, no doubt if Latifi squeezed someone hard enough he could crack all your ribs, but we all know how full of shit Ali is. He's on the same full of shit level as Dana.

Yeah, Ali is an absolute dirt-bag.

Kind of funny though, that he's crying about getting hurt just from being restrained. lol

He was yelling how he was going to kill Conor. That dolly would have been his end.
Latifi is a goner, Sherdog has taught me that Ali has ties to ISIS or Somali Pirates or the Crips or the US Army or something like that.
Cormier said that Latifi is probably the strongest guy he's ever sparred with. I don't doubt he could accidentally crack a rib or two. Maybe he could get hired by Colby so he can hold him back from going after his vicious haters?
I heard that happened, no doubt if Latifi squeezed someone hard enough he could crack all your ribs, not just one, but we all know how full of shit Ali is. He's on the same full of shit level as Dana.

Lol latifi did us a favor
I heard that happened, no doubt if Latifi squeezed someone hard enough he could crack all your ribs, not just one, but we all know how full of shit Ali is. Ali is on the same full of shit level as Dana.
Ali makes Don King look like an angel.
Latifi makes me laugh, he seems like those simple guys who dont know how much strength they possess lol

Hope he makes a good run at LHW
Everyone is coming for that Red Panty Night...GL Conor

Ray Borg came out and said there's no lasting damage and he'll be fine in a couple of days.

Looks like it's just Chiesa suing.
Latifi is a goner, Sherdog has taught me that Ali has ties to ISIS or Somali Pirates or the Crips or the US Army or something like that.

he has ties to the Iluminati, the G7, the New World Order, the League of Nations and the bilderberg club. i thought everyone on the internet knew that.

Of all the negative side effects created by Conors attack i see this one as a positive actually