Social Kevin McCarthy ousted; Mike Johnson becomes US House speaker

Nah, you guys just want to play dumb, and hope nobody notices. That's why you ask nothing of Hamas, and everything of Israel. You want Israel to lay down their arms, because they're winning too much('cause that makes sense). Oh', and they should also probably give up their land too, because that's what makes their enemies so angry. They stole it, ya know. You essentially want them to surrender to terrorism. You don't ask for Hamas to do the sensible thing and surrender, to put an end to their people's suffering brought on by a war started by them. A government is responsible for its people. Hamas is the governing body of Palestine. It's all up to them, if they want this to stop and their people to stop suffering. You don't get to slaughter 1400 innocent people of a far more powerful rival nation, and then go "Hey, hey, hey, not fair!", when that nation kicks the shit out of you in response.

I'd be more inclined to believe you don't support Hamas, if every single one of your guys "suggestions" to stopping this war wasn't "Israel must do this. Israel must do that. Israel is on stolen land. Israel are the real terrorists, so they shouldn't complain, etc, etc", with a little side note that says "I don't support Hamas, though."

It's basically the equivalent of "I'm not racist, but..."
I have already stated the IAF should hunt down all the Hamas terrorists but surgically to minimize civilian casualties. You're an extremist yourself and are incapable of having a good faith conversation.
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I understand your position but every situation is different

I'm sure you are familiar with this warning....

"In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist."

Yeah of course. I'm antiwar. I'd cut military spending to 1% if I could and bring all the troops home.
Mike Johnson has an adopted black Son. You can tell his pride of this by this photo:


Maybe he wasn't around that day
I have already stated the IAF should hunt down all the Hamas terrorists but surgically to minimize civilian casualties. You're an extremist yourself and are incapable of having a good faith conversation.

How would they go about hunting a group of thousands who don't wear uniforms and hide among the civilian population "surgically"? Let's hear your fantastical "Operation James Bond" plan.
I have already stated the IAF should hunt down all the Hamas terrorists but surgically to minimize civilian casualties. You're an extremist yourself and are incapable of having a good faith conversation.
Hamas are hiding themselves by blending in with civilians. Ground tactics in such an urban setting would give them the advantage and put Israeli soldiers at risk. This shit sandwich is fucking sad, but it is all on Hamas right now.
If they were to release every hostage and cease fire, Israel would have to stop pummeling them and at least consider a different approach to rid themselves of the terrorist rats. But the scumbags won’t do that because they don’t give a fuck about their own people. The most merciful Allah says let them die, just focus on the mission of killing every Jew on Earth.
Wait you think the US Military is the lynchpin holding all of civilization together?

If there's anything positive this war has done, it's opened the eyes of progressives to how many bloodthirsty maniacs you guys are palling around with in the DNC.
Heretic? Don't know what he said this time, but he's been a ball of white-hot rage and delusion for as long as he's been here. He was certain Trump would win in 2020, for example.

He's almost as deranged as Super Nintendo but much angrier.

The other day he said women voters were children, he's a cartoon.
How would they go about hunting a group of thousands who don't wear uniforms and hide among the civilian population "surgically"? Let's hear your fantastical "Operation James Bond" plan.
Your "plan" is to what , kill all of the Palestinians?
Please. You guys can dance around it all you want. You support Hamas and the most ideal scenario in your mind, is that Israel lets a massive terrorist attack slide, they throw down their weapons, give up their land, and let Hamas run them over. That's all you guys offer as a "solution". If you really want Palestinians to stop dying, you and your totally not terrorist sympathizer buddies should be pleading with Hamas to surrender and end the war they started.

I know, I know, that's too much to ask of Hamas. They will never surrender and gladly sacrifice every last one of their citizens, so Israel must stop attacking them. Yep, that's how war usually ends. The winning side just stops fighting 'cause they feel all sad n' shit about killing people who want them wiped off the face of the Earth.
Lol um , no , not even close you lunatic
If there's anything positive this war has done, it's opened the eyes of progressives to how many bloodthirsty maniacs you guys are palling around with in the DNC.

I like that we agree on something, except know that progressives, leftists, are always aware of who is and isnt Hawkish. Just look at what side has ever proposed cuts to Military spending, and then what side as pretty nearly unanimously always voted against them. Which side is obsessed with "defense spending" and the like. Geopolitics are terribly difficult without violent threat, but there are Countries who go about it far better than we do, because War isn't their chief export.
How would they go about hunting a group of thousands who don't wear uniforms and hide among the civilian population "surgically"? Let's hear your fantastical "Operation James Bond" plan.

You mean exactly what Special Ops were designed for? Lol

You keep turning up the ignorance with every post.
I like that we agree on something, except know that progressives, leftists, are always aware of who is and isnt Hawkish. Just look at what side has ever proposed cuts to Military spending, and then what side as pretty nearly unanimously always voted against them. Which side is obsessed with "defense spending" and the like. Geopolitics are terribly difficult without violent threat, but there are Countries who go about it far better than we do, because War isn't their chief export.

Republicans are bad on this issue too. That's one of the big reasons I don't support them either.
Republicans are bad on this issue too. That's one of the big reasons I don't support them either.

I hear ya on that, although I hope you're not suggesting isolationism as an alternative. That goes just as bad.
How would they go about hunting a group of thousands who don't wear uniforms and hide among the civilian population "surgically"? Let's hear your fantastical "Operation James Bond" plan.
I would try to evacuate everyone and determine their allegiances before just bombing and invading.
Hamas are hiding themselves by blending in with civilians. Ground tactics in such an urban setting would give them the advantage and put Israeli soldiers at risk. This shit sandwich is fucking sad, but it is all on Hamas right now.
If they were to release every hostage and cease fire, Israel would have to stop pummeling them and at least consider a different approach to rid themselves of the terrorist rats. But the scumbags won’t do that because they don’t give a fuck about their own people. The most merciful Allah says let them die, just focus on the mission of killing every Jew on Earth.
I realize this but if you don't go the extra mile they are only going to foment more ill will.
Mike Johnson has an adopted black Son. You can tell his pride of this by this photo:

Lmao he already stated the kid wants nothing to do with politics (apparently smarter than his dad). Also he was a foster child they did not officially adopt.
but please push some more of your race baiting bullshit you fucking can.