Kessler - Mundine 2


Apr 8, 2007
Reaction score
Looks like it may happen as their next fight. What's your take on the fight? Would Mundine be able to bring anything new to the table that would make the outcome any different from last time? Or would you rather have seen Kessler - Miranda?
Mundine couldn't beat him with 2 good eyes, and now he's going to try and beat him half-blind? Ridiculous.
what the hell happened to the fight with Miranda?

why did Kessler back out of that? to fight Mundine?

I lost respect for Kessler for this for sure
Maybe because Mundine is a better fighter than Miranda and there will be a belt on the line?
what the hell happened to the fight with Miranda?

why did Kessler back out of that? to fight Mundine?

I lost respect for Kessler for this for sure

He was named mandatory challenger for Mundine, so basically he had the choice to fight Miranda in a non title bout or fight Mundine for the crown.
There's also more money in a Mundine fight. Anthony is a huge name in my country. Absolutely massive. Miranda doesn't have anything close to the same pull.
There's also more money in a Mundine fight. Anthony is a huge name in my country. Absolutely massive. Miranda doesn't have anything close to the same pull.

You think the fight would take place in Australia then? I've heard that Palle (promotor of Kessler) thinks it's gonna happen in Denmark. Which wouldn't exactly do any good for Mundine's chances.
But if Mundine is actually such a big name in Australia ( I had no idea), talks.
Well, Mundine paid for Kessler to head out here last time. His fight with Danny Green broke the world record for PPV per-capita and sold out a 40,000 odd seat stadium in the middle of the week. Eac guy made about 10 million that night.
Well, Mundine paid for Kessler to head out here last time. His fight with Danny Green broke the world record for PPV per-capita and sold out a 40,000 odd seat stadium in the middle of the week. Eac guy made about 10 million that night.

Looks like it could be happening in Australia then.

But that aside, who's gonna win? Mundine is on a winning streak, Kessler just lost. No shame in losing to Calzaghe, but it's still a loss. And Kessler (I've been following him since his pro debut) actually strikes me as a guy who could need a "safe" fight in his backyard to build up confidence before heading to Australia to fight a pretty tough guy like Mundine.
Unless Kessler has had something taken from him, from the Calzaghe fight...he should win. Mundine is better than before, but Mikkel is so damn big, it makes it hard for a boxer like Mundine to outpoint.
I dunno, I like Kessler a lot but he's right in front of you to be hit. He lacks the kayo power (re: Andrade fight) to put people away he's way up on the cards against. Not saying he'll lose to Mundine, he's got to be a real 2 weight classes bigger than him, but just saying this isn't an open and close fight in my eyes.
Mundine is fighting a tough opponent while he has the belt? I am SHOCKED. PURELY SHOCKED.