Kenny Florian's Side Control Defense


White Belt
Mar 22, 2008
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Did you guys see Kenny Florian's side control defense against Joe Lauzon? Joe was on Kenny's right side with a kesa gatame type side control. Then Kenny used his left arm to block Joe's left arm. Then Kenny escaped. Very interesting escape technique. Anyone know the details of that technique?
I'll have to rewatch it but it looked like great hand placement, pressure and hip movement. Kenny is a monster and will hold the ufc lw belt
kenflo is impriving soo much, and i don't think there was anything special about his side control defense, like what hayliks said, great hand placement and hip movement
I'll have to rewatch it but it looked like great hand placement, pressure and hip movement. Kenny is a monster and will hold the ufc lw belt

If BJ goes back to welterweight and Sherk retires. He's a great fighter, but I'd say he's 3rd best in the UFC at LW.
If BJ goes back to welterweight and Sherk retires. He's a great fighter, but I'd say he's 3rd best in the UFC at LW.

I would love to see a rematch between Sherk and Kenflo. I think Kenny will take him a second time around.
I would love to see a rematch between Sherk and Kenflo. I think Kenny will take him a second time around.

he's gotten better, but i think people are forgetting the level of beatdown sherk let out on ken-flo.

i think i forgot too. i need to rewatch it. i almost just posted a discription of the beatdown sherk gave to franca, lol.
^ Sherk dominated both of those guys on the ground. It was shocking how effortlessly he controlled their hips and passed their guards. I don't understand how he does it, but if (big if) he does it to a 3rd blackbelt against BJ Penn this May (I'll be there in person!), I will herald him as having the best mma top game of all time.

I was more impressed with Florian's mount. That was one of the most dominant mounts I've seen in mma - there was no space for escape, and it was so high that there was almost no way to slip the punches at all from bottom. I think in the future fighters would be wise to give up their backs asap when Florian starts moving to mount, because bottom of mount is not a position to be in against him.
How is he as a Gi BJJ player? I have heard Rogan make mention of it from time to time. His BJJ is really tight but is he legit world class? National level?
How is he as a Gi BJJ player? I have heard Rogan make mention of it from time to time. His BJJ is really tight but is he legit world class? National level?

Kenny's got great BJJ, but I don't believe he's won the Pan Ams or the Mundials at any level. So he's definitely not in the top tier of gi BJJ players.
I've heard he medaled at Pan Ams as a brownbelt - I believe that is his highest bjj competition accomplishment (although he hasn't competed in grappling tourneys for years now, so who knows how he would stack up these days).
he can fight... good hip movements and never stayed still... respect for that...
He's a game, natural fighter.
Kenny's got great BJJ, but I don't believe he's won the Pan Ams or the Mundials at any level. So he's definitely not in the top tier of gi BJJ players.

just because someone doesn't compete doesn't mean they aren't top tier...what I think you mean is that we can't place him in the top tier because we aren't able to judge his BJJ against that of the top tier.
^ Sherk dominated both of those guys on the ground. It was shocking how effortlessly he controlled their hips and passed their guards. I don't understand how he does it, but if (big if) he does it to a 3rd blackbelt against BJ Penn this May (I'll be there in person!), I will herald him as having the best mma top game of all time.

I was more impressed with Florian's mount. That was one of the most dominant mounts I've seen in mma - there was no space for escape, and it was so high that there was almost no way to slip the punches at all from bottom. I think in the future fighters would be wise to give up their backs asap when Florian starts moving to mount, because bottom of mount is not a position to be in against him.

Sergei had a better mount against Schilt imho.

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