Keep curlers out of the squat/power rack


Black Belt
Oct 30, 2006
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Buddy of mine came up with this idea today, and I added to it:

Take some chalk and make a circle around the rack and draw a barbell with 4 plates per side on the ground in the middle. St W's voodoo.

Will it work, I dunno, but it would be fun to see people's faces when they'd see it.
not a bad idea, if that doest work, you could always boobie trap it, just get this guy to help

Buddy of mine came up with this idea today, and I added to it:

Take some chalk and make a circle around the rack and draw a barbell with 4 plates per side on the ground in the middle. St W's voodoo.

Will it work, I dunno, but it would be fun to see people's faces when they'd see it.

They will align their curl bar right above it, also using 4 plates on each side. 5 pounders, but still 4 plates....

These guys are above voodoo...
Just make a sign that says no curling in the power rack you fucking curl monkeys and then tape it up. See how people react. Record then post in personal favorite idiot thread.
Just make a sign that says no curling in the power rack you fucking curl monkeys and then tape it up. See how people react. Record then post in personal favorite idiot thread.

Make sure the sign is signed "management" so it looks official.
There is this one guy at my gym who acts like a lunatic. He walks around grunting, and kicking pylons, like he's Tong Po or something. He never squats, but I bet he wouldnt have to worry about people being in the curl rack when he needed it.
There is this one guy at my gym who acts like a lunatic. He walks around grunting, and kicking pylons, like he's Tong Po or something. He never squats, but I bet he wouldn't have to worry about people being in the curl rack when he needed it.

So you are saying we should start acting crazy now so that whenever we need the squat rack our "crazy" reputation will cause curl monkeys to just run away.

Not a bad strategy...
I have this 3 year old guarding my rack.

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My gym has a bunch of signs up but they all say "Tame the chalk Bob."
I would like to put up a sign saying "only queers curl in the squat rack"

but then the gays would probably throw a hissy fit.
In my gym, on the sides of the power rack, there are spikes with the rotting heads and skulls of all curlers and metrosexuals who have dared to enter.
I actually thought of another way to try to dissuade curl mokeys from entering the squat rack territory.

Just leave the bar loaded with 6 plates on each side. That way if they want to curl they are going to have to go through a lot of trouble to do it. I know it would look a little lazy leaving weight on the bar, but hey, ya gotta do what ya gotta do.
I actually thought of another way to try to dissuade curl mokeys from entering the squat rack territory.

Just leave the bar loaded with 6 plates on each side. That way if they want to curl they are going to have to go through a lot of trouble to do it. I know it would look a little lazy leaving weight on the bar, but hey, ya gotta do what ya gotta do.

This is a valid point, even though his av appears to be broken.
Best way to keep people from curling in the squat rack is to get your own.
I nominate the woman from the video for mother of the year...