Kathleen Hartnett White: most embarrassing Trump nominee yet.

Conservatives were quick to disparage Obama, and Black people in government during his time, as Affirmative Action picks. Wonder what they think of Trump picks...

Got to add though that you do not need to be a scientist to be skeptical of anthropogenic climate change. Just being aware of world history , one knows the earth has been warming and cooling long before humanity industrialized.
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Conservatives were quick to disparage Obama, and Black people in government during his time, as Affirmative Action picks. Wonder what they think of Trump picks...

Good point.
It's more like 60%.

eh, depends on how voting spreads with intelligence.

Conservatives were quick to disparage Obama, and Black people in government during his time, as Affirmative Action picks. Wonder what they think of Trump picks...

During Obama's time? They're doing it now. Sessions and the DOJ are going after affirmative action programs for allegedly discriminating against whites even though it has recently been reported that URM (underrepresented minority) enrolment is actually lower than it was 30 years ago in US colleges and universities.



They're still using AA to rile up the base while filling the government with total incompetents.
Well it's Trump 101.
Accept the source and reporting if it's favorable, attack if it isn't.

Just as, accept the results of the election if you win, if you lose, the system is rigged.

Just as, if you got caught colluding, sabotage public confidence in the agencies that protect us all.
During Obama's time? They're doing it now. Sessions and the DOJ are going after affirmative action programs for allegedly discriminating against whites even though it has recently been reported that URM (underrepresented minority) enrolment is actually lower than it was 30 years ago in US colleges and universities.



They're still using AA to rile up the base while filling the government with total incompetents.

I was alluding to all the comments I saw posted on right leaning forums saying how Obama is an Affirmative Action hire, how Michelle is an Affirmative Action hire, how Holder and Loretta Lynch are AA hires etc... Right leaning commenters have a tendency to dismiss Blacks in high positions as AA hires.
I was alluding to all the comments I saw posted on right leaning forums saying how Obama is an Affirmative Action hire, how Michelle is an Affirmative Action hire, how Holder and Loretta Lynch are AA hires etc... Right leaning commenters have a tendency to dismiss Blacks in high positions as AA hires.

Yeah, I remember all of that shit about Obama's degrees just being "pieces of paper."

Conservatives are quick to yell and scream about AA, but never mention the large number of total incompetents who get into top schools via legacy admissions.

Sessions is investigating Harvard for "anti-white" discrimination in the same year that a full third of the incoming freshman class is comprised of legacies.


A lot of people are unaware of the fact that GW Bush actually got rejected by UT's law school after graduating from Yale with his gentleman's Cs but then somehow got into Harvard business school a couple years later with the same grades.

Furthermore, there's no way in hell that Trump or his idiot kids or his idiot son-in-law, Kushner, would have gotten into the Ivy League without their familial connections.
35% of our voters are simply idiots. Another small percentage thought they would take a gamble on electing an outsider who admitted sexually assaulting women. They are regretting there decision now.
i dont think enough of them are, sure 35% are simply idiots, the others are loathe to admit they have made a mistake of that magnitude.
as long as a republican (in name) is in the white house, and they control the government, they tell themselves that trump may be crass, but they still made the right choice.
the democrats shouldnt have put such a crap candidate against him either.
pence is enough of a faceless man who on the surface seems sane, their alleigance will slip right on over come the next election.
the alternative is too much to contemplate for them, actually voting democrat.
the result of the next election depends solely on how many dems come out to vote, that depends which candidate they put up.

This person has been nominated to lead Trump's environmental council. She has no background whatsoever in science and has a masters in religious studies. Currently, she works for the Texas Public Policy Institute, which is a climate denying right wing think tank.

Trump chooses people that are not intimidating to him personally and intellectually-- that's why he CANNOT hire real experts. The only exceptions to this are when there is an absolute need for credibility and then he goes against his instincts.

Literally everyone in my immediate circle could and would do better than him in this presidency.

I think we are in the most precarious position this country has ever faced. I think Trump is dangerous partially because of the numbers of people that will support HIM no matter how stupid what he does is.
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his posture suggests he doesnt believe himself

thats some weak shit to plant your face on your fist when you are not only talking to somebody, but elected to talk to people.

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