Kaitlin Young Training Video


Jan 3, 2007
Reaction score
I thought this was pretty cool.

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Looks like a bad ass complex but does it seem to anyone else that there isn't a very high level of intensity coming from her? I'm not knocking her training or anything but it didn't seem like she was doing anything with much grit or explosiveness.
Very cool routine! Need to show my gf this to prove that chicks can kick ass. :)
Excellent good to see her training like that!
Holy crap... saw her highlights in the bodogFights hook & shoot '07 tourney... she SMASHED the competition!

Another reason to watch EliteXC on CBS May 31... :)

Katilin fight vids...
Looks like a bad ass complex but does it seem to anyone else that there isn't a very high level of intensity coming from her? I'm not knocking her training or anything but it didn't seem like she was doing anything with much grit or explosiveness.

Same thing I was thinking. But I'm not there, so, who knows?
She'll be fighting Gina Carano (aka Crush from American Gladiators) on CBS next Saturday night.
holy shit...she's a mean bitch!
kinda looks like a man but i wouldnt say it to her face...id get owned
Last time i saw her she looked thicker, did she used to fight at a heavier weight? she looks in great shape there alot thinner?