Kaepernick sues NFL for keeping him out of other teams due to protest


Jan 13, 2014
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on ESPN front page...Colin is the worst thing to happen to the NFL since CTE.

NFL deserves this for protecting this dumb ass
This could get interesting. They'd have to have proof of this collusion tho. Subpoena for owners' emails???
He's filed a grievance for collusion. This is it !
Lol. This is a good way to go broke and really become oppressed. Well done colin.
This could get interesting. They'd have to have proof of this collusion tho. Subpoena for owners' emails???

In my opinion, it is likely that they colluded against him. How to prove it? I don't know.

However, according to Ray Lewis, the Ravens were very close to signing him and didn't because of Kaepernick's racist tweets (or his gf's).
This oughta be good... and EXPENSIVE.
Would it be wrong to kneel in the courtroom in protest of kaep?
Thank god. Now no one will hire him again. I was worried the Packers were gonna get him now that Rodgers is injured
This will lead to Trumps impeachment I'm sure

Dude is a joke, teams offered him contracts and he turned them down.

Fuck him, p'z nerd. Never see you again.
In my opinion, it is likely that they colluded against him. How to prove it? I don't know.

However, according to Ray Lewis, the Ravens were very close to signing him and didn't because of Kaepernick's racist tweets (or his gf's).
If that's true, Kaepernick will still be without a job and a few million poorer.
I thought there were rumours he was offered a contract, but he thought it wasn't for enough money. Also, would he really have a case? Is there a law saying a team has to sign him?

He could always come up here and play in the CFL..though he'd have to get a second job at Tim Hortons to subsidize his income.
A washed up player tried to to draw attention to himself by making himself to be a symbol of oppression, and now he discovers no organization wants to get near him because he's trouble?

What a suprise!
This will lead to Trumps impeachment I'm sure

Dude is a joke, teams offered him contracts and he turned them down.

Fuck him, p'z nerd. Never see you again.

Hopefully it wasn't a verbal offer and they have something in writing they offered for him to sign. If he takes them to court and loses, can the NFL make him cover the cost of their lawyers?
Are these those "consequences to free speech" I keep hearing about?
Hopefully it wasn't a verbal offer and they have something in writing they offered for him to sign. If he takes them to court and loses, can the NFL make him cover the cost of their lawyers?
He also had a contract with the 49ers he chose to opt out of.
Hopefully it wasn't a verbal offer and they have something in writing they offered for him to sign. If he takes them to court and loses, can the NFL make him cover the cost of their lawyers?

I'm sure they wrote a contract up before they offered. I don't know how it would play out, either way Kaep is done.
Well, he's apparently given up hope of ever playing again.