Just got my Gi


That could be a small problem.

lol..... That is amazing..... I'm still laughing by myself right now
I have never done GI grappling. Does it really matter if there is a t shirt underneath or not? Are you allowed to grab the undershirt for a good grip or potential choke?

When you go for a collar choke and your opponent is wearing an undershirt, it can sometimes bunch up and effect your abililty to get a solid grip on the gi collar.
I wear a white UnderArmour t-shirt underneath (I have a white gi). Helps to keep me cool.

But undershirt or not, you gotta be sure to wash that Gi after every time you roll.
If you have boobs or train at Gracie Barra, you have to wear some kind of shirt underneath. Otherwise, you don't have to.
Depends on what you like.

Visualize the following: collecting a bucket completely full of the mixed sweat of yourself and all the other guys in your gym, submerging a T-shirt completely in that bucket until it is saturated, and then pulling it on.

If that sounds good to you, a T-shirt is fine.

Otherwise you might want to go with a rash guard / under armor / dry-fit type shirt.