Just failed my 2nd driving test

How and why? I've passed both of mine on the first time. Both were fairly easy. Eve parallel parking when practiced isnt so bad.
Man up! Son !
I wasn't aware it was possible to fail a murican driving test.
Work on what you have the most trouble with.

Learn to do it and practice it till you master it; this equals success.
You'll be ok. I did too back in the day. The first time I bumped a cone, during the maneuverability portion of test. The second, and I still don't understand why? Immediately after pulling onto the street from the test lot, it started to rain and in the words of the officer riding with me, I "slowed down while turning on my wipers" and it was an immediate fail. I passed the next attempt and 16 years later I still have never received a ticket, or had an incident other than a single car accident(ie my own) after spinning out from black ice while merging on the highway when I was 18. Keep your head up!
I passed both on my first try.

The trick behind parallel parking is to not use the car ahead as an indication of how close to the curb you are. They are usually closer to the curb than necessary.

It was the last problem that I had before my test, and I mailed the move on test day.
Just go to a different driving school and take it there. Usually pretty lenient at those places. Long as you don't hit anything they'll pass you.
you failed ts,time to give up on the dream of independence and traveling the long and lonely highways on your own. from this point on, you will forever have to rely on the cab of mom and dad! hahahahahahahaha!
Are you an asian lady?
I took the driving test twice (once in the US and once in Korea).
I passed both tests on my first try.
barely though

They have driving tests in Korea?
I got a 98% on my driving test and started arguing with the DMV person because she said I didn't look in the mirror one time when I did.

I guess you'll just have to take Uber for life.
Practice via playing Gran Turismo video game and/or buy one of those Lego Technic car sets with functional steering wheel so you can better see how parallel parking works.

Gran Turismo has license tests where you must have a decent understanding of appropriate speed at certain turns/curves. I read somewhere in one Gran Turismo game, if you pass the license tests, you receive an actual real life international license or something like that.
Literally none of this happened.
I failed my first time. Damn turnabout got me. Just take it really slow man. I was overly cautious my 2nd time but I passed.
They can fail you for being overconfident i.e a better driver than them

Never understood that.
Now that’s pretty amazing, and you should use that as your inspiration when you retake the exam. If she can do it even with her disabilities, then so can you. I passed my driving test on my third take, and what I did is I took a DMV practice test online, watched videos about traffic rules and driving test tips, and drive a lot! Just be sure to take your time to review and practice ahead of time, so you will not find yourself taking the test over and over again.
Now that’s pretty amazing, and you should use that as your inspiration when you retake the exam. If she can do it even with her disabilities, then so can you. I passed my driving test on my third take, and what I did is I took a DMV practice test online, watched videos about traffic rules and driving test tips, and drive a lot! Just be sure to take your time to review and practice ahead of time, so you will not find yourself taking the test over and over again.
You signed up today, you have a picture of a woman behind a wheel and youre first message was a response to a thread about driving?
My road test involved driving to someone's house for the test giver to pick up a package.

In the local news recently, I think a retired cop was the test giver and fondled the woman driver being tested.
Hell, if you're a retired cop and don't get to shoot people anymore, there's gotta be some perks.