Judo at Toronto YMCA

monkey roll

Green Belt
Oct 30, 2005
Reaction score
A buddy of mine was telling me about the Metro Centel YMCA in Toronto offers judo classes for free. Anyone know who teachs it and if it's for real? Is it with Judo Canada, can my buddy earn a belt from there?
more importantly, can you roll for free afterwards?
I checked it out a few years back. The instructor at the time was a bb at the club I trained at. I think his name was mohommad. I can't remember much about the class, but I used to roll with him a couple times a week at another club, and he was an excellent judoka with great ne waza. The classes I attended were mostly just randori, although we went over some technique for about fifteen minutes after the warmup.

I don't know who is teaching the class right now, but if it's free, you have nothing to lose by checking it out. There are a few places you can train judo for free in toronto. If you call up judo ontario and ask them to fax you a club directory, there are (or were) quite a few clubs operating out of community centres that provide instruction either for free or at a nominal cost (basically just everyone pitching at the end of class to cover rent). The level of instruction varies from place to place, as does the amount of sparring and the number of people competing. If it really matters all that much who is teaching the class, your best bet would be to post on the underground forum in the canadian and judo/sambo subforums, as you have a much better chance of getting in contact with someone who knows. But if it doesn't cost anything to train, you might as well just go find out for yourself.
thanks for the info.
judoinfo.com said that it's Kamiar Tarighi now who is teaching it. coo thanks for the info
I did a class there last summer and it was cool, except the mats were in horrendous shape
sorry that's what i ment by free. You have to be a member but there are no extra charges like other programs offered at the YMCA
I happened to do a search on my name, and found this post. I am running a free Judo class out of Holy family Community Centre located at 139 Close Ave. in Toronto, i taught at the YMCA for a while. Classes are only one night a week. This is a draw-back of being free and being part of a city of Toronto Program. Classes are held 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM Friday nights. My contact info is [email protected] if you want more info

John Karek
One other thing, if you are members of Facebook, you can do a SEARCH ON TRINITY JUDO CLUB to get more info.