Media Jorge Masvidal: McGregor "scared sh*tless" of me, PPV would do bigger numbers than with Chandler

I used to like Masvidal when he'd get interviewed and talk about how he wasn't one of those guys who trash talked or pick fights on social media. Nowadays that's all he ever does. He's turned into the bggest attention whore around trying to get fights with top fighters that he can't earn.
You're not getting the fight, dude lol
Masvidal is not UFC caliber. He has nothing to do with anyone in the roster.
Masvidal is not UFC caliber. He has nothing to do with anyone in the roster.
What??? Dude he can beat any ww on nay given night. You underestimate long cultivated veteren skills
What??? Dude he can beat any ww on nay given night. You underestimate long cultivated veteren skills
You overestimate a fat Miamian with a single "notable" win to his name.
Let's go back to remembering him for getting turned into a smurf by Tony IMada.
I love how Mas can trigger the plebs just by speaking the truth.

Get that money Urban Christ
You overestimate a fat Miamian with a single "notable" win to his name.
Let's go back to remembering him for getting turned into a smurf by Tony IMada.

Come to Miami then get your soft ass faded up, lol that crotch shit Imada did wuz sus fuck that
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Come to Miami then get your soft ass faded up, lol that crotch shit Imada did wuz sus fuck that
Why would I go to the projects? We can meet at the performance institute right here in Vegas whoever you are :)
Or Xtreme Couture, or any number of Gracie or 10th planet gyms.
Why would I go to the projects? We can meet at the performance institute right here in Vegas whoever you are :)
Or Xtreme Couture, or any number of Gracie or 10th planet gyms.
Dude im just playin . I guess youre not familiar with old school SD banter. Dont let join dates fool you jackass
Dude im just playin . I guess youre not familiar with old school SD banter
Banter has some creativity or intelligence behind it.
lol, this would be an interesting fight but Jorge is way, way, way overrating himself in terms of how much of a draw he is.
I've watched combat sports in all likelihood longer than you've been alive, mongoloid.
The fact that youre getting all srs means youre in a low freq . Take this as a lesson in forum humor