Jordan Petersen Calles Andrew Tate Scum

Peterson has been weird since he disappeared for a year due to alleged benzo issues. When he returned he was a lot less sharp, started engaging in dumb name-calling arguments on Twitter and he joined a right-wing media organization despite previously repeatedly claiming he was a classic liberal. Basically he turned into the very thing that his critics had falsely accused him of being in the past. Now all of his content is highly edited and polished by his handlers and feels manufactured to some extent, totally different vibe from the genuine "one-man operation" of the past. Something isn't right. I suppose the parsimonious explanation is that the benzos really did fry his brain.
He had ECT therapy too . Electro Shock Therspy. Had a relative get that done to her . Wasn’t same after . Memory was shit and just was “ off “ .
They produce zero original content and they rely on other peoples content. Then they twist it, edit it, comment, and try and create they're own (sometimes) false narrative. They're a lazy reaction channel.

Just my opinion
cool thanks.
Keep pushing pride month and woke bullshit, and you will get extremes from both sides.

Andrew Tate is the next level, after the idiots try to cancel crybaby Jordan Peterson because he was to masculine..

Like what did you expect.


Frode we had junkies and pimps WAY before pride month was a thing outside of san francisco.

Pimping is the world's second oldest profession.

Even Hitler had good points about some topics(every human does lol it might be like 1% of their talking points) but you would be stupid to say "I agree with Hitler's points on gardening". It doesn't take a genius to understand this.


Some people think it makes them nuanced if they see some positives in total douchebags, but generally only if they're unpopular, which kinda proves it's more about scoring points and going against the popular opinion.

It's not clever to say 'but I agree with them on a few subjects', nobody gives a shit. Is the guy an assjole or not? In this case, yes, yes he is.
I thought Tate was just someone calling out woke movement for how they think of men and what kind of men they create. That's fine because it's a toxic movement but researching Tate by his own activities and texts , business enterprises he should rot in jail and be done with. A pimp, human trafficker who tricks and then forces women into prostitution and feels superior with a Muslim fascist worldview of culture war. He is even worse as the people he calls out as he active destroys women's lives.

To compare that with someone making his addiction public is absurd. Peterson is a millionth times more intelligent,credible and important. After his stroke he is handicapped but why would you hold that against him.
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thing is, i can listen to peterson talk just fine.
but i've never been able to listen to tate for more than a few minutes. that hysterical cadence of speech, combined with the hypnotic repetition of points like "you don't eat pavement and fuck rocks? haha what a loser!" is too much for me. i tried listening to the tucker show and i couldn't go past 5 minutes.
Peterson has been weird since he disappeared for a year due to alleged benzo issues. When he returned he was a lot less sharp, started engaging in dumb name-calling arguments on Twitter and he joined a right-wing media organization despite previously repeatedly claiming he was a classic liberal. Basically he turned into the very thing that his critics had falsely accused him of being in the past. Now all of his content is highly edited and polished by his handlers and feels manufactured to some extent, totally different vibe from the genuine "one-man operation" of the past. Something isn't right. I suppose the parsimonious explanation is that the benzos really did fry his brain.

i get the same feeling. he's never been the same since the drugs. irritable, harder to talk to, rambles on, can't read the room as well, not as a sharp, and his recall of words is off like he knows what to say but can't access it. huge shame.
Jordan Peterson is the same sort of twat Andrew Tate is? I don't know of him.
Peterson has been weird since he disappeared for a year due to alleged benzo issues. When he returned he was a lot less sharp, started engaging in dumb name-calling arguments on Twitter and he joined a right-wing media organization despite previously repeatedly claiming he was a classic liberal. Basically he turned into the very thing that his critics had falsely accused him of being in the past. Now all of his content is highly edited and polished by his handlers and feels manufactured to some extent, totally different vibe from the genuine "one-man operation" of the past. Something isn't right. I suppose the parsimonious explanation is that the benzos really did fry his brain.
I partially agree, Peterson was necessary for a time and one of the very first much needed voices who stood up against the gender nonsense but ever since his illness I’ve just been wishing he would stop for his own good.

As for you accusing him of going from classical liberal to right wing, I don’t really see it that way. By most measures he is still basically a classical liberal, which is not to be confused with today’s left who consider anyone right of Josef Stalin “right wing”.

These days anyone who represents team sanity is labeled a far right nazi lol.
Frode we had junkies and pimps WAY before pride month was a thing outside of san francisco.

Pimping is the world's second oldest profession.

Sure but most fans dont fans over him because they want to be pimps.

I am sure 80% of his followers are simps who grew up with a simp father (or without any)

And now they are looking for a strong masculine father/big brother leader type to follow.

Is it the right choice? Not in my book. But i understand it.
Sure but most fans dont fans over him because they want to be pimps.

I am sure 80% of his followers are simps who grew up with a simp father (or without any)

And now they are looking for a strong masculine father/big brother leader type to follow.

Isnt it generally the kids of emotionally retarded "men's men" that end up desperate for the approval of a father figure?
If societal shifts didn’t create a fallout for both of these individuals to profit from we wouldn’t be having this conversation.
Will someone please tell me how to live my life!

Barely hanging on.
You're joking but from religious nuts and new age online cults all the way to political radicals people are begging for guidance and have a weird daddy complex. Hell watch some porn, that "daddy" shit creeps me out. People are weird.