Jordan Petersen Calles Andrew Tate Scum


Imagine "hate following" someone like this lol

Also that tweet is actually funny.
His ramblings are becoming so unhinged and bizarre that they’re practically memes. They get passed around like his daughter.
If he's done what he's implied he's done, he absolutely is the sex trade.

People will watch this video and still believe "it's just an act".

It is literally years of documented evidence coming from his own mouth yet people still think it's an "act".

He is using the Jeffery Epstein playbook at a lower level but he is lauded as a hero because he has takes against "woke" culture. Shit is wild.

"But they say you are a rapist" "I like to be free"

He wants to be free to rape apparently
He became famous for lying about Bill C16, which was designed to protect people from discrimination. He said it was going to lead to mass arrests for misgendering. Gulags! It's been 6 years and the arrest tally from Bill C-16 is ZERO.

I remember when he first became popular on here I actually thought he was late to the right-wing grift game, but damn I was wrong. Before he set it to private his Patreon was getting near $100,000 a month in donations. It wasn't even really for a service he provided; they were just throwing $ at him!

Motherfucker eventually started selling pieces of carpet and shit lmao.

That carpet looks like a butthole.
The key difference is Jordan Peterson is a self-help guru life coach who tells people not to criticize the world if they have any personal problems, while not following that advice himself. It's the hypocrisy, not the drug use.

It would be like a fitness cult using Chris Christie as their diet guru, while Christie is running around saying fat people should never give diet advice. Seems pretty obvious to point out Christie is fat. Doesn't mean everyone who points out the obvious hates all fat people or has no sympathy for them, just that the person the fitness cult chose as their leader is a very, very odd choice.

It's actually nothing like that. Mental health is not physical fitness in the manner in which you describe, however, there is a series of similarities where not all health mental or physical looks the same and some people take different, meandering paths. It's more like if a fitness "cult" (not why there has to be a "cult" involved other than your obvious bias) had a leader who had lost 100 lbs and fluctuated between a healthy weight and 20 lbs overweight. If the anti-Peterson crowd is so pedantic and elementary that they think the only people who should help others are people who are defined perfection from a mental/physical health history standpoint they are absolutely silly.

And if it wasn't the "drug use" and it was the "hypocrisy," posts would illustrate that. You don't call someone a "junkie" for being a hypocrite, you call them a hypocrite.

His ramblings are becoming so unhinged and bizarre that they’re practically memes. They get passed around like his daughter.

This is the kind of posting i'm referring to. Mouthbreathing.
I agree with Petersen but the main things that make Tate a scumbag Petersen does too. He prays on the marginalized and convinces them that their oppression is their fault and they should fix their own lives within the confines of the current system and care about noone but themselves. They both use fomo to manipulate people into being the worst versions of themselves under the guise of self improvement.

They do this in 2 very different ways but they share the same core message. Petersons just jealous because Tate is a more effective messager of Petersens own message.

Sure telling someone to clean their room and become useful in society is the EXACT SAME THING as telling them to strip on camera after you've seduced them.
If you spend any amount of time talking about Tate, you're just as much of a loser as him. Peterson isn't so bad, but you still shouldn't be gossiping about him.
Sure telling someone to clean their room and become useful in society is the EXACT SAME THING as telling them to strip on camera after you've seduced them.

Becoming useful in an evil society is typically a bad thing. And in a climate of capitalism where most peoples problems are the fault of an oppressor telling them to look inwards and not focus on societys ills is harmful. The biggest problem with our society is everyone looking to shield themselves from societys issues instead of fixing them. And people like Petersen and Tate are the poster boys for this.

Tate and Petersen have very different styles but ultimatly have the same core toxic message. .
the typo within this thread title kinda irks me for some reason. but we all know andrew tate is scum, and so is everybody else who doesn't recycle their pizza boxes. lock them all up.
Man,the amount of rabid, drooling hatred some people have for Petersen is a thing to behold.
he's a market opportunist like Trump catering to a neglected audience

Aren't Peterson and Tate basically in the same clique?​
I believe the daily wire types are afraid that Tate are turning the red pillers towards Islam. I think more criticism are coming from them in the future.

Its funny that Tate basically ran a Muslim grooming gang and right wingers where fanning over him.
I believe the daily wire types are afraid that Tate are turning the red pillers towards Islam. I think more criticism are coming from them in the future.

Its funny that Tate basically ran a Muslim grooming gang and right wingers where fanning over him.

This is a variation of Trudeo claiming Muslim communities are being infected by right-wing ideology, and just as laughably pathetic.

Leftists are demanding everyone of traditional values to abandon their principles, which they've been doing to Christians & Jews for decades but now they're been starting with Muslims and they've been receiving resistance.

And the Christians & Jews are starting to embrace Muslims on this respect and an alliance based on common similarities and principles - and the leftists are starting to get scared because this would be an effective resistance to their social engineering toward totalitarianism.
Someone that runs a cam girl business is scum? Who knew?