Jon Jones looks like he’s 50 years old

luls, i'm not sure if this is a serious thread or if everyone knows that's not jon jones hahahaha
This guy is done, you can see it in his eyes. He will announce retirement, or a return to lhw--and then retirement within 6 months to a year.
Went to YouTube to watch this video but it turns out its a guy.. I thought its some Jamaican lady
whaaaaa... I still can't tell if this is a troll thread *SMILES*
I really hope we get to see him at HW, but the longer he takes, the less hope I have for it.
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jones is built like a bag of dry dog food
Looks like AJ is a man who is able to control his emotions, lol.
It is not ok when teen girls do that but a grown ass man?

I have always liked the dude, a little disappointing to be honest.
Jones look like he's in prime shape and fitness to beat up his fiance
He looks like this fifty something dude at my 24 hour fitness facially and same body type who just chats everybody up and spends half his workout jibber jabbering nonsense loudly . Strong dude though . Dude should be proud to rock the dad bod of an elite GOAT cage fighter .
Typical bloated face after a liquor binge
coke and booze catching up to him

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