Media Jon Jones CONFIRMS Retirement After Stipe Fight "Im Gonna Beat The Old Man And Ride Off Into Sunset"

im a bit torn on the subject. you have to respect what he's done. however, there ARE a bunch of asterisks. and a bunch of layovers throughout his career. 28 fights in 16 years isn't bad, but he missed a lot of time he should have been active. fighting stipe at this point is kinda pointless. it does look like he's gonna duck the current HW division (Stipe really kinda can't be considered part of at this point). that Gane fight was an embarrassment - to get the title that way is just super anti climactic. i think he doesn't have the same edge he used to and he knows it. he'd be smart to call it quits after stipe tbh - as much as the fans will hate on it
He’s the biggest lowlife cheater in UFC history. And it’s pretty obvious you are not a clean athlete, either. Because only a cheater would defend another cheater. But since you don’t get paid that’s probably your justification, right? But if you were a pro you’d cheat anyway, right? If it’s good enough for Jones, it’s good enough for you.

Lowlifes of a feather..
Actually i never touched steroids, im just not a delusional “fan” that believes in a fantastical world where you can inject a substance and magically become the greatest fighter on the planet. The difference between you and I is that I trained at a very high level for most of my life. I trained with steroid users, clean fighters and many guys that lurked in that gray area in between. I was at the Blackzilians starting at imperial athletics when Rashad had his camp for Jones fight. He was a unit and I had no doubt he would beat jones…I traveled to Vegas with them for the fight along with Van Arsdale and a crew of us to support. Jones is just built different and destroyed my friend almost effortlessly using fight iq and a level of skill I didn’t know existed. I stayed with the camp for two years. I was at ATT after and trained with their fight team. I also trained at AKA and other high level camps. I speak from a place of experience while you speak from a place of hate in your heart about a world you have limited understanding of.

You’re like a guy that can’t swim and has never been into the ocean but think you’re a marine biologist. People like you are sad for reasons that you yourself are unaware of. It’s ok to have opinions about something you have limited experience with but your level of toxicity excretes through your posts and speaks volumes about you. I am in the majority of people that have fought that are in agreement that Jones is the GOAT… it isn’t even much of a debate in the training rooms. He is that guy, just accept reality.

I could easily speak towards his opponents that have popped as well but im sure you are aware. Also, I hate to burst your bubble but almost every high level athlete does things that are against the rules. Everything from steroids to blood doping to diuretics etc etc. It is commonplace in our sport at the highest level. I would never put any individuals on blast but guess what? Your favorite fighter has also cheated the system….also, Santa clause isn’t real.

The difference between my statements and yours is that I speak from a place of experience and you toss accusations with zero foundation or base for it (as you’ve done with me).
Morons Soo pissed Jones is too smart to go the Fedor route getting your brains scrambled by cans for 100k flat 🤣🤣🤣
In the Sunset Jon will continue to beat the shit outta his fiance and future "girlfriends".
In the Sunset Jon will continue to beat the shit outta his fiance and future "girlfriends".
The psychology of insults

The purpose of a put-down is to reduce someone else in the imaginary status hierarchy.

Insulters have problem of status insecurity. Insults are not good for our health since they drain us of our emotional energy. Insults cause powerful emotions and enter our personal histories. The emotions that result from insults are wounded pride, shame, humiliation, embarrassment, guilt, and anger. Often we are shocked and disappointed when our expectations of respect are unmet, causing psychological pain.

That pain is the reason you result to insults. You are hurting and that is why you lash out in anger to assert dominance in your hurt world. Jon Jones is drinking those tears and enjoying that pain.
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The psychology of insults

The purpose of a put-down is to reduce someone else in the imaginary status hierarchy. So it is hardly surprising that insults will often refer to a person's social status in terms of ancestry, lack of prestige, or membership in a despised out-group; for example.

Insulters have problem of status insecurity. Insults are not good for our health since they drain us of our emotional energy. Insults cause powerful emotions and enter our personal histories. The emotions that result from insults are wounded pride, shame, humiliation, embarrassment, guilt, and anger. Often we are shocked and disappointed when our expectations of respect are unmet, causing psychological pain.

That pain is the reason you result to insults.
Fuck Jon jones
This will go down as one of the biggest ducks of all time in MMA if he doesn't fight Tom. Unless he's just building demand and hyping the fight.
I’m not surprised, he knows he’s done at the top level.
This idea that jones won’t fight people he “doesn’t have an advantage over” is comical. He literally cleared out generations of the LHW division and still there’s a sect of “fans” that are upset. He moved up to HW and walked through Gane (who at the time Sherdog was literally split on who would win pre fight). A decade and a half of dominance aren’t enough for all of you.

Although your right he doesn’t fight those he doesn’t have an advantage over… his advantage is he’s the greatest MMA fighter of all time.
100% Truth

He would have nothing left to prove. If he is thinking about retiring it means the competitive spirit isn't in him anymore and he would risk getting seriously hurt by keeping his career going.

Not what the Just Bleed fans want to hear, I'm aware of this.
He will still take shots at Aspinall and try to flip it once he retires, everyone will move on and support TA as the champ and he will get the ego itch of needing to come back most likely.

Jones is legendary as a fighter and can do what he wants but going out like this just feels wrong. It'll be wild if Stipe ends up getting a random KO or something though after being considered the easy fight.
This idea that jones won’t fight people he “doesn’t have an advantage over” is comical. He literally cleared out generations of the LHW division and still there’s a sect of “fans” that are upset. He moved up to HW and walked through Gane (who at the time Sherdog was literally split on who would win pre fight). A decade and a half of dominance aren’t enough for all of you.

Although your right he doesn’t fight those he doesn’t have an advantage over… his advantage is he’s the greatest MMA fighter of all time.

Here is the problem and why fans would be upset. While you are correct and Jon did have 15 years of dominance and gave us what IMO is the best greatest career in MMA. The last 5 years of that run was all about his move to HW which was talked about since 2013. And as fans all we get is two fights?? Gane was just a fill in after the Ngannou fight fell through which was very disappointing for fans and it seems not too many are really interested in the Stipe fight. So if that is what he's given fans at HW, that is a reason to be upset.

I am sure you have the haters that wanna see Jon lose and that is why they want him to keep fighting. But I genuinely believe most fans just want to see the goat compete more. I am not a Jones fan myself and never have been, but I personally do want to see him compete more at HW. Jones is goat and I'd like to continue to see his legacy build.