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Joking During Rolling: Okay or Not?

Never said I was the head coach of the Russian Wrestling team mr strawman, And there is a reason I'm saying that. Because I actually have perspective, and understand the difference between a relaxed training atmosphere for hobbyists where people are still getting better, and just letting it devolve into pig shit just to get paying customers because the person in charge doesn't know how to coach, develop or even the practice room equivalent of classroom management. Or that having someone with actual experience and perspective in charge who will make sure higher/more experienced belts/practitioners aren't being bullied or if it going on, smash those responsible. (i.e. controlling the room and being aware)

Most of the kids I coach are the teenage equivalent of bjj hobbyists, who have NEVER done anything difficult before, come from both the most ghetto and suburban backgrounds, and are actually more likely to quit after being embarrassed or being whooped than the hipster "well paying" customers you're talking about. But I know what hard work is and how to bring people along into getting better and tougher and having fun doing it, even if next to none of them will even think about wrestling in college

And most importantly all of the gyms that I have been in that did a good job keeping people who were hobbyists, old, never competed, never played any other sports, were well run, expected hard work (or the best that person could do or "attitude and effort" if you will), had clear expectations and basic rules, including focusing on rolling not talking joking too much (which is actually a safety concern btw).. and shocking to some of the people on this thread, joked in between goes, had fun, smiled before and after rolls etc.

In fact the gyms that are run this way almost always have a better time keeping and retaining students and developing them. The ones that have the problems you talk about are run by people like you. Wannabe's who've never competed or trained long enough at a high enough level to have perspective (asides from getting smashed at a little training camp with the Cuban National Team) and don't understand how to run a room or manage intensity but hey, you've researthched a lot of things about it. am I right or what

So once again, it comes through you've never actually trained at a high level or been fortunate enough to be around a well run gym that develops people. Or are you going to try to make up the strawman again that I endorsed bullying.

1.- Nope, you simply said that you can completely get the athletic capabilities of an individual just by looking at videos of him competing. Yup, i guess my coach was all that stupid putting us through all these physical test to gauge aerobic capacity, recovery, speed, explosiveness and the such. You dont need to study to become a sport scientist. So from that perspective, fuck the head coach of the russian olympic team, he is nowhere near your level where you can measure individuals by sensing their chi.

2.- Who is talking about letting it devolve into shit? only you guys think that its going to devolve into shit because the occasional guy cracks a joke or two, the fact that the sport itself is expensive is good enough to separate the wheat from the chaff. Nobody pays that sum a month just to fuck around at least where i live. I never understood my judo coach when he said that people wont value what doesnt costs them until i trained BJJ, in judo you pay with blood, sweat and tears in BJJ you pay with money and time, but both sports are demanding enough that i dont see unmotivated people in the mat.

3.- Im pretty sure that the kids are paying for the installations right? and im pretty sure that these kids work 40-50 hours a week in stressful jobs on top of their social responsibilities.

4.- We do too, but mainly by separating the classes between people who just want to stay fit and those that want to compete, because otherwise the first will get overwhelmed by the second.

5.- I dont run a gym buddy, when i said i have doled out cash was to financially support my judo coach or to chip in to buy gear for people who cant, or to make mats out of canvas and minced tires, you see we earn in pesos here whatever you think "The hood" lacks is absolutely nothing compared to what i have gone through in terms of finding places to train.

6.- Once again it comes from you ignoring the discussion at hand throwing shit at me through the internet and trying to paint yourself as some big shit in who knows where.
Yeah, that's the frustrating part, the acting like wanting to actually focus on the task at hand (that you are paying money for btw) and not joke during (which is the important word), is being mean or taking it too seriously

Or in RJ Green's case... saying that anyone who actually has a serious/business like approach to the thing they paid for is basically a has been or never was, over compensating and taking it too seriously as a way of coping with a shitty life is a little much honestly.

the most annoying is how people don't want to acknowledge the passive aggressive bitchyness of the issue being discussed

Honestly, even with the parts I personally dislike about sport bjj, I'm glad it exists because at least training hard or having a somewhat businesslike approach during rolling (which again doesn't mean treating every roll like the mundials children) is still ok. The mcdojofication is still happening though :(


"everyone is wrong, i can see into your soul and know you better than you guys know yourself and if you disagree with me, obviously you have never experienced hardships or trained a single day of your lives"

"everyone is wrong, i can see into your soul and know you better than you guys know yourself and if you disagree with me, obviously you have never experienced hardships or trained a single day of your lives"
nope not at all,
1.- Nope, you simply said that you can completely get the athletic capabilities of an individual just by looking at videos of him competing. Yup, i guess my coach was all that stupid putting us through all these physical test to gauge aerobic capacity, recovery, speed, explosiveness and the such. You dont need to study to become a sport scientist. So from that perspective, fuck the head coach of the russian olympic team, he is nowhere near your level where you can measure individuals by sensing their chi.

2.- Who is talking about letting it devolve into shit? only you guys think that its going to devolve into shit because the occasional guy cracks a joke or two, the fact that the sport itself is expensive is good enough to separate the wheat from the chaff. Nobody pays that sum a month just to fuck around at least where i live. I never understood my judo coach when he said that people wont value what doesnt costs them until i trained BJJ, in judo you pay with blood, sweat and tears in BJJ you pay with money and time, but both sports are demanding enough that i dont see unmotivated people in the mat.

3.- Im pretty sure that the kids are paying for the installations right? and im pretty sure that these kids work 40-50 hours a week in stressful jobs on top of their social responsibilities.

4.- We do too, but mainly by separating the classes between people who just want to stay fit and those that want to compete, because otherwise the first will get overwhelmed by the second.

5.- I dont run a gym buddy, when i said i have doled out cash was to financially support my judo coach or to chip in to buy gear for people who cant, or to make mats out of canvas and minced tires, you see we earn in pesos here whatever you think "The hood" lacks is absolutely nothing compared to what i have gone through in terms of finding places to train.

6.- Once again it comes from you ignoring the discussion at hand throwing shit at me through the internet and trying to paint yourself as some big shit in who knows where.
1. You accused me of acting like I'm the head coach of the Russian Olympic team, and all of a sudden are bringing up the other thread, because you have nothing. There was nothing mentioned about measuring athleticism in this thread until you just talked about it
2. You're forgetting that most times the way gyms are run in the US is different than Countries, with more wimpyness to be polite
3. What the fuck are you talking about?
4. You acted like that doesn't go on where I'm talking about and basically said I endorse bullying
5. You seriously are doing "my ghetto/favela is tougher than your ghetto/favela argument.. seriously.. yeah you definitively are an excuse maker
6. I'm not ignoring the discussion at hand at all. YOU are the one who asked how your training experience is relevant. I explained. You didn't like the answer so you brought up another thread among other things.
Have you ever accepted in your entire time in this forum that you were wrong about something?
Yeah plenty of times. I'm also not the one who literally got caught being a hypocrite about the athleticism issue either.
http:// http:// media item 24841
Name once.
My theory about wrestlers and bjj guys in mma getting away from training their original style/art, wrestlers in wrestling shoes, bjj guys in the gi etc. People like Holt came on. Said my theory was bunk. I oops. I was wrong oh well. Life moved on.

Whereas you.. hypocrite
1. You accused me of acting like I'm the head coach of the Russian Olympic team, and all of a sudden are bringing up the other thread, because you have nothing. There was nothing mentioned about measuring athleticism in this thread until you just talked about it
2. You're forgetting that most times the way gyms are run in the US is different than Countries, with more wimpyness to be polite
3. What the fuck are you talking about?
4. You acted like that doesn't go on where I'm talking about and basically said I endorse bullying
5. You seriously are doing "my ghetto/favela is tougher than your ghetto/favela argument.. seriously.. yeah you definitively are an excuse maker
6. I'm not ignoring the discussion at hand at all. YOU are the one who asked how your training experience is relevant. I explained. You didn't like the answer so you brought up another thread among other things.

1.- I accuse you of throwing around inexistent credentials without any sort of argumentation in an effort to make it a "I know more because i do" and attacking me personally while at it.

2.- LOL, you are seriously throwing Americans are tougher than everyone in the earth? lovely, thats probably why you guys import so many cheap labor from all over the world.

3.- Its easier to discipline kids than older people, older people have gone through so much that their perspective of life is grounded in a different place than kids, they also have completely different priorities and motivations.

4.- Now im the one making assumptions, there is no bullying, there is only reality, you say people need to take shit serious, you posted in another thread where you agree with Holt where you should roll to win, what do you think will happen when a 50 years old white belt who has not trained anything serious in years will feel when rolling with a 20s white or blue belt who is rolling to win?

5.- No, im not, tougher is relative, im saying that BJJ is more expensive where i live in relative terms, thats it, people wont shed such amount of money lightly and we work far more hours than you.

6.- Actually no i didnt, you simply jumped at me like Randy Orton.
My theory about wrestlers and bjj guys in mma getting away from training their original style/art, wrestlers in wrestling shoes, bjj guys in the gi etc. People like Holt came on. Said my theory was bunk. I oops. I was wrong oh well. Life moved on.

Whereas you.. hypocrite

Yup, i knew you were going to say Holt, since he, unlike you can actually articulate his ideas and as opposed to you, he does provide evidence of what he actually does, yet he never throws it around, he never says "Well guys, you gotta trust me because i competed a the highest levels" nope, even if he was a nobody he articulates what he is trying to express.

And more importantly because you cant try to BS with the "I have more experience because i do and therefore im right".

Never in the Jacare thread did you pointed out why you believed he was inherently a better athlete than Maia, not even a single sentence.

And i even tried, i even tried to concede in that thread, but nope, you got your jimmies rustled and butthurt, you are like the Trump of the F12 forum.

And lol at me, i started this forums as an anti-BJJ troll and now BJJ is the main art i practice, i can safely say that all my posts during the first 2 years were wrong in so many levels.
What about insulting jokes, like you have a clock choke and you stop and tell him his hair smells great before you finish it?

i give people eskimo kisses when i cross-collar choke them, and 'sshhhhhshshsh' when i RNC.
Wait, you think people who want to focus on training are trying to make other people worse?


Ok. Lol
You think people who have fun doing a hobby are trying to use psychological warfare to make people worse?


Ok. Lol.
Yeah, that's the frustrating part, the acting like wanting to actually focus on the task at hand (that you are paying money for btw) and not joke during (which is the important word), is being mean or taking it too seriously

Or in RJ Green's case... saying that anyone who actually has a serious/business like approach to the thing they paid for is basically a has been or never was, over compensating and taking it too seriously as a way of coping with a shitty life is a little much honestly.

the most annoying is how people don't want to acknowledge the passive aggressive bitchyness of the issue being discussed

Honestly, even with the parts I personally dislike about sport bjj, I'm glad it exists because at least training hard or having a somewhat businesslike approach during rolling (which again doesn't mean treating every roll like the mundials children) is still ok. The mcdojofication is still happening though :(
I'm extremely focused when I train. Focused however does not mean I cant be light hearted. And I did not say people who don't like joking are trying to make people worse...I said people who complain about others training mentality are trying to bring other people down (mentally) because it hurts their ego that when they're in spartan mode someone else can be competitive while not having a kill or be killed mentality.

I also was not being literal. I was trying to show how ridiculous it is to accuse someone who makes a joke of having a big ego and trying to bring people down, I was being a smart ass.

Basically get over yourselves. If you have to be all super hardcore fine. Doesn't bother me. But it will not bother me the slightest or break my focus if someone else makes a joke so I don't know why it bothers you so much or how that's considered "pussification ".
Yup, i knew you were going to say Holt, since he, unlike you can actually articulate his ideas and as opposed to you, he does provide evidence of what he actually does, yet he never throws it around, he never says "Well guys, you gotta trust me because i competed a the highest levels" nope, even if he was a nobody he articulates what he is trying to express.

And more importantly because you cant try to BS with the "I have more experience because i do and therefore im right".

Never in the Jacare thread did you pointed out why you believed he was inherently a better athlete than Maia, not even a single sentence.

And i even tried, i even tried to concede in that thread, but nope, you got your jimmies rustled and butthurt, you are like the Trump of the F12 forum.

And lol at me, i started this forums as an anti-BJJ troll and now BJJ is the main art i practice, i can safely say that all my posts during the first 2 years were wrong in so many levels.
1. You asked for when I admitted when I was wrong on this forum. I gave one of many examples, that was the first off the top of my head. It happened to include Holt, and you used it as a chance to try to insult me more. You were just annoyed I actually had an example

2. The hypocrite aspect comes from you saying the exact opposite of what you were arguing with me.. in a concurrent thread (concurrent means at the same time) I don't know jack shit about your trolling back in the day. Don't care

3. And I did express why I think Jacare is a better athlete. Multiple times. You just didn't like the answer. Which is whatever. I never mentioned that argument in this thread, till you did, because you are butthurt about me stating a fact.. it shows in a glaringly obvious way you've never trained or competed at a high level, much less coached, but act like you have until called out upon then get defensive.

You chose to get butthurt and bring up irrelevant topics, other threads, and the whole "my ghetto is worse than the kid's you help ghetto" thing. And even now just brought up your old shit.. which I had never seem or heard about...

Honestly your reaction would be like me reacting to you calling me the "Donald Trump" of F12 (which is extreme, out of all the people on here, I'm Donald Trump.. wow lol) by insulting your mother.
I'm extremely focused when I train. Focused however does not mean I cant be light hearted. And I did not say people who don't like joking are trying to make people worse...I said people who complain about others training mentality are trying to bring other people down (mentally) because it hurts their ego that when they're in spartan mode someone else can be competitive while not having a kill or be killed mentality.

I also was not being literal. I was trying to show how ridiculous it is to accuse someone who makes a joke of having a big ego and trying to bring people down, I was being a smart ass.

Basically get over yourselves. If you have to be all super hardcore fine. Doesn't bother me. But it will not bother me the slightest or break my focus if someone else makes a joke so I don't know why it bothers you so much or how that's considered "pussification ".
Because most of the time, when it happens, people are. It's a general damnation of society that you can no longer call out passive aggressive and bitchy behavior.. without getting called an ass whole takes things too seriously. .

Think about it like this. When in class or a sport, when the teacher or coach addresses an issue going on. Don't be that suck up/idiot/thin skinned person who goes.. "but I'm not doing that". And get told "then it obviously doesn't apply to you"

There explaining it like you're in middle or high school since just stating am issue or thing people do made you defensive
i give people eskimo kisses when i cross-collar choke them, and 'sshhhhhshshsh' when i RNC.

We should change this thread to awesome joke/insults you can do during submissions 101.
1. You asked for when I admitted when I was wrong on this forum. I gave one of many examples, that was the first off the top of my head. It happened to include Holt, and you used it as a chance to try to insult me more. You were just annoyed I actually had an example

2. The hypocrite aspect comes from you saying the exact opposite of what you were arguing with me.. in a concurrent thread (concurrent means at the same time) I don't know jack shit about your trolling back in the day. Don't care

3. And I did express why I think Jacare is a better athlete. Multiple times. You just didn't like the answer. Which is whatever. I never mentioned that argument in this thread, till you did, because you are butthurt about me stating a fact.. it shows in a glaringly obvious way you've never trained or competed at a high level, much less coached, but act like you have until called out upon then get defensive.

You chose to get butthurt and bring up irrelevant topics, other threads, and the whole "my ghetto is worse than the kid's you help ghetto" thing. And even now just brought up your old shit.. which I had never seem or heard about...

Honestly your reaction would be like me reacting to you calling me the "Donald Trump" of F12 (which is extreme, out of all the people on here, I'm Donald Trump.. wow lol) by insulting your mother.

1.- Fair enough, i wont move that goalpost and grant you that.

2.- Its not entirely hypocrite, since Jacare and Maia are at different weight classes, its quite likely that Jacares advantage in terms of strength is negated if he makes the trip down, or Maia could bulk up, although he isnt young anymore.

3.- No you didnt, not once, you simply claimed that you just knew.

4.- My reaction would be absolutely none, because this is the internet and i dont care what you think about me, since you dont know me at all. If you have a good argument ill listen to you, i dont hold a grudge since jack is just a sherdog account your opinion matters as long as your content delivers.

5.- A big part of taking a contrarian position is to generate debate, i may think Jacare may have a bit of an edge over Maia in terms of athleticism, but taking the contrarian route and stating otherwise generates a debate, and in that debate people from different backgrounds will give their opinions, some are educated, some are funny, some are worthless and some are insightful.

You really need to stop making shit personal.
Because most of the time, when it happens, people are. It's a general damnation of society that you can no longer call out passive aggressive and bitchy behavior.. without getting called an ass whole takes things too seriously. .

Think about it like this. When in class or a sport, when the teacher or coach addresses an issue going on. Don't be that suck up/idiot/thin skinned person who goes.. "but I'm not doing that". And get told "then it obviously doesn't apply to you"

There explaining it like you're in middle or high school since just stating am issue or thing people do made you defensive
You're still ignoring my point. If someone else makes a joke while rolling and you think "he must be trying to bring me down because I'm crushing him so bad" you are way too sensitive. Just ignore it and train seriously who gives a shit. You talk about pussification but I think the guy who gets butt hurt and offended is the one who needs to man the fuck up and stop being a pussy.
You're still ignoring my point. If someone else makes a joke while rolling and you think "he must be trying to bring me down because I'm crushing him so bad" you are way too sensitive. Just ignore it and train seriously who gives a shit. You talk about pussification but I think the guy who gets butt hurt and offended is the one who needs to man the fuck up and stop being a pussy.
Because (Caliber can correct me if I'm wrong) and it's been stated multiple times. What people who don't like joking are referring to is the passive aggressive stuff