John Woo to Remake THE KILLER with Lupita Nyong'o to Star

Does not change what I said.

The entire history of Hollywood has been pandering.

Hollywood is an industry built around 'licking the finger, putting it up to try and determine which way the wind is blowing today and trying to figure out how to pander to that and see movie tickets'. Hollywood will chase any trend and push and pander as much as they can to sell their product. That is Hollywood. Anyone arguing against that simply does not know Hollywood.

To draw a line that says the 99.999999% of pandering is ok but 'boy did they ever cross an uncrossable now' seems a little silly, no? And Hollywood will NEVER draw that line you might want if they think/hope they make a buck there if they cross and maybe start a new trend or build a new market.

I agree that Hollywood has always pandered, that is nothing new. That is why I didn't see the new Ghost Busters. Hollywood has always been out of ideas and remade movies as well, which is why I didn't see the new Spider-mans. In both cases, you can write it off as Hollywood being Hollywood, and greedy movie executives using the rights to the movies/franchises that they own... not really a reflection on the original creators.

They could have had Woo make a new, similar movie, using a black female. As a fan of Woo's past work, I probably actually would have seen it, despite the pandering. It wouldn't take much effort to write a script for that kind of movie.

Or, they could have remade the original movie, with a new director, trying a fresh look/style with it. Which I probably would not watch, unless it randomly came on.

I feel this is different, because it reflects on Woo himself, and shows him as being a lazy sell out at this point. As a fan of his past work, I am disappointed.
I agree that Hollywood has always pandered, that is nothing new. That is why I didn't see the new Ghost Busters. Hollywood has always been out of ideas and remade movies as well, which is why I didn't see the new Spider-mans. In both cases, you can write it off as Hollywood being Hollywood, and greedy movie executives using the rights to the movies/franchises that they own... not really a reflection on the original creators.

They could have had Woo make a new, similar movie, using a black female. As a fan of Woo's past work, I probably actually would have seen it, despite the pandering. It wouldn't take much effort to write a script for that kind of movie.

Or, they could have remade the original movie, with a new director, trying a fresh look/style with it. Which I probably would not watch, unless it randomly came on.

I feel this is different, because it reflects on Woo himself, and shows him as being a lazy sell out at this point. As a fan of his past work, I am disappointed.
I have no issue with any of that. Pandering won't appeal to all. I certainly do not like all the trends. Some pandering may appeal to you and not me and vice-versa. Hollywood will always try to throw everything up against the wall to see what sticks. Such is Hollywood.
I love John Woo, but reboots of classic male roles with female casting is lazy garbage 99% of the time. Women beating up bigger men unrealistically in films is getting pretty old too, and rarely done well.

As pointed out in the video though we've had the likes of Lil Tommy Cruise kicking ass against multiple larger opponents for a very long time. Atomic Blonde to me seems like a pretty weird film to single out considering the lead character does actually get beaten up a good deal, I mean no its obviously not realistic in the amount of damage people can take but when some big KGB guy gets hold of her he does throw her around pretty easily.