Jogging before weight lifting inhibits muscle growth?


Purple Belt
Feb 14, 2003
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Does jogging right before you lift weights somehow slow down muscle growth? Or should I just jog at a different time of the day?
I would jog at a different time of day. That jog workout would not bother you much.
I go about 3-5 minutes on the stationary bike before my weight training.
i've always been taught it's best to do some 30sec cardio to get the blood flowing and stretch before lifting. anything more can take away from your energy and take away from your lifts, and that will hurt muscle growth.

work on cardio after the weights are done, you want cardio late in the fight anyways and that's why most trainers throw in calistenics (push-ups, routine exercises) after all the practing moves and sparring is over. anyone can go sets of push-ups when they're fresh, so you see benifit when your muscles are tired, you're sweaty and exhausted.

i think you'd get more out of your cadrio if you started off a little tired instead of needing to spend time on cadio to get you to that point and to carry on from then to improve. your body grows when it is forced to go beyond what it can handle, so this speeds you to the point without wasting it. imo.
Actually..One is better at what they do first..sometimes? Do cardio, then weights, then weights will suffer..Do it first, then its better...for some people anyways..everyone is different
Yeah, it depends on what kind of shape you are in. If you're not in good running shape and your glycogen stores are depleted, or your CNS is fatigued, you won't be able to lift that hard. But, it's not bad idea to do both on the same day, once you're in shape. The key is recovery, you should feel pretty fresh before you start lifting. In fact, Tudor Bompa recommends combining different energy system workouts on the same day, ie aerobic + alactic. But, you wouldn't want to do intervals in the morning and max strength lifting the same day. Listen to your body, and take it slow.
It's a general rule of thumb to do your strength training BEFORE your energy system training. There is some hormo relase, but i don't feel like trying to act smart right now. And I notice that when I do strength training after energy system training with my atheletes they get injuired.

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