Joe Biden: "Whites will be a Minority in US by 2017 - and that's a good Thing"

I see nothing wrong.

Why is it not a good thing? I think it's a great thing tbh.

Whites have decided to stop fucking eachother, we need more population, lets get foreigners in here, or non-whites to have babies.

Only racist idiots will freakout about White people being a Majority-Minority, nothing wrong with being less than 50%.

You see nothing wrong because you have the delusion that when you reduce the population of white people, all the benefits of their presence remain.

Hate to break it to you but, when you remove a majority of white people from a city or town and replace them with minorities (exceptions can include jews and asians), crime goes up and property values go down. The other side effects are more subtle but you get the idea. It's not an improvement.
I see nothing wrong.

Why is it not a good thing? I think it's a great thing tbh.

Whites have decided to stop fucking eachother, we need more population, lets get foreigners in here, or non-whites to have babies.

Only racist idiots will freakout about White people being a Majority-Minority, nothing wrong with being less than 50%.
I know you're a troll at this point, because you are a one sided coin with no differing opinions on anything.
The time to wake up is now, my brothers.

Message me and we can talk about this issue in dept. There are help out there. I can get you in touch with the right people.
black ppl are scaring me lately tho
The Vice President cannot do math, that's a bad thing.