Movies Joaquin Phoenix (Joker) vs. Jack Nicholson (Joker) - Which do you prefer?

Which do you prefer?

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It's funny how every portrayal of the joker is loved and praised except for Jared Leto's.

Poor Jared. I didn't even think it's his fault. He gave the director what he wanted. The director just sucked, as did the writing.

But Romero, Nicholson, Hammill, Ledger, and Phoenix all get praised.
I'd stop short of saying "poor Jared". There are stories of him being a dick on set and intentionally doing things to make his fellow cast members feel uncomfortable. That wasn't necessary

My take on Nicholson Joker which was great no question, I believe is more cartoony of a character, while Ledger Joker is more realistic I believe, more Hannibal lecter like. Ledger Joker seemed more multi layered, while Jack Joker seemed more superficial.

That's just my take on it.

Btw what's your top 5 villain performances?

Are you talking Hopkins' Lecter?

Pretty ironic, as he played that role like an OTT comic book villain, imo. Brian Cox put in a far more realistic/nuanced performance. (Still a big fan of Hopkins and SofL).
Hmm.. I really liked Joker, but it didn't give me a sense of, "this guy could fight batman". I didn't see him as some kind of arch-villain, just a very seriously disturbed person.

I don't remember Nicholson's version. I loved Heath Ledgers version.
I never understood the love Jack got for his performance. It was cheesy as fuck.

I'm pretty sure that was the point.

Trying to make it a realistic character is pretty dumb, all things considered.
Jack felt like Batman's Joker. I loved his portrayal. Cartoonish and over the top in a good way. Phoenix didn't really feel like the Joker to me. It feels like they had a story about a social outcast and slapped the Joker on it to sell more tickets.
Jack Nicholson. Phoenix's joker is just pro incel propaganda
Didn't that crazy guy smother his mother and kill several people with a gun and blade? That seems like a dangerous person.
Yeh but that is run of the mill crazy, Jack's Joker tried to nerve gas an entire city and nearly succeeded.....Significantly more dangerous.