Joanna Champion 4.0: TUF Love

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Rockstar needs to do a sequel the UFC edition where the action takes place in TUF house/gym as opposed to school. Joanna is the obvious cover choice xD.
JJ chewing her team out was the most exciting part of this week's episode.

Lmfao ... sad, but true. I barely paid attention to the episode. I was not entertained imo
We can't be friends anymore.

Come on .. it's time to forgive the Cookie Monster. She has been humbled and had her soul taken ... give ole girl a chance to redeem her past transgressions imo

It could be very good for the Team Joanna women, who may be facing Tatiana Suarez in an upcoming match, if they can train some defense against Esparza's takedowns and scrambles.
Newly uploaded video I found.

This is such a great fight. I love back and forth wars like this. Both fighters stepping in and out of the pocket exchanging leather. Hats off to both.
Aren't the anti-wmma crowd always telling the ladies to get back in the kitchen? Looks like Joanna is taking their advice:

Is that an ice cream maker? If it is, id be mega enthusiastic. Ice cream for breakfast all week.
Oops I mean to just quote Crierd's Mondays post.

Ice cream maker... I though it was a Star Wars droid.
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I wish cancer upon every human being involved in the making of that "song" and video.

It sounds like you may actually have brain cancer. And if cancer of the personality was a thing, you'd have that too. :confused:
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