"Jiu Jitsu is like breathing"

wonder what's like to train with him, love watching him compete.
Good vid and I agree. I know there's Gracie haters on here but I also agree with Rener.

"Good. How're you doin'? Good, good. You look great. You look great." -Bill Cooper

Nice interview. Bill Cooper seems like a super cool guy. I had no idea he had latino in him.
Good vid and I agree. I know there's Gracie haters on here but I also agree with Rener.


wow, thanks for sharing that! that was a powerful video. I think in those 4 minutes I heard more of Rener's viewpoint and explanation of his beliefs than in any other segment I've seen of him anywhere.

I am not a fan of the Gracie Academy and disagree with some of the things they say but I am glad I saw that. With Rener basically summing up why he believes what he does, I can see his side of the perspective when it comes to sport BJJ vs GJJ
wow, thanks for sharing that! that was a powerful video. I think in those 4 minutes I heard more of Rener's viewpoint and explanation of his beliefs than in any other segment I've seen of him anywhere.

I am not a fan of the Gracie Academy and disagree with some of the things they say but I am glad I saw that. With Rener basically summing up why he believes what he does, I can see his side of the perspective when it comes to sport BJJ vs GJJ
just out of curiosity can u elaborate more?
It was good to hear Cooper,correct me if I'm wrong a sport guy, talk about the art as an art for self defense and fighting as opposed to just sport and posted the Rener video in relation. The art is getting so sport oriented that the self defense aspect is being forgotten. People are now referring to jiu jitsu in 2 aspects,sport and street, when the art was developed for 1 reason, handling yourself in a real fight. It does annoy me that Rener uses the term GJJ as if it's the only school you can go to- to reliably learn BJJ for self defense. But that's a marketing thing and I understand. However, how many schools nowadays cover punch and kick defense to safely get to the clinch to use the BJJ you've been learning. Unless you also have an MMA program at your school,and alot of BJJ schools don't,this aspect will be totally neglected and a BJJ student,even a higher ranked one,will go out and get his butt kicked and then wonder why.
Lol, yeah, because what Ryron showed at Metamoris was "self defence".

It's easy to go around claiming that you're instructing self defence. Whether you're actually doing it, is a different matter altogether.
Coop is the man. Thanks for posting this! One of the coolest little segments I've seen in a while. "There are no rules in art." Great quote!
So you watch the video and think Bill the Grill is this awesome person. Well, I got news for ya...he's IS that awesome in person. I was lucky enough to attend one of his seminars when he came down to San Diego awhile back. He's funny and goofy and smart and a great instructor. We had a couple beers afterwards and he even taught me the lighter trick to open a bottle (I know, it's something basic but not something I ever bothered learning.) "Well look, it's just like a little armbar. You've got your lever, you just have to get a good bite underneath, and *pop*." I was thinking...holy crap, he's even a black belt in bottle opening! BTG is the man!
Lol, yeah, because what Ryron showed at Metamoris was "self defence".

It's easy to go around claiming that you're instructing self defence. Whether you're actually doing it, is a different matter altogether.

Did Ryron lose at Metamoris, I can't recall? Oh...wait...now I remember...NO. Did he get punched? No. Did he have to worry about getting punched? No. Did he have to worry about points. No. I'm sorry...what was your point again?
I thought both of the videos were great.

BTG is the man.

As far as Rener goes I think what he was saying in his video is somewhat true, paradoxically what was displayed by Ryron at Metamoris was perhaps one of the worst displays of 'Self Defense' based Jiu Jitsu. I think Ryron took advantage of the rules and had striking been a factor the positions he found himself stuck in would have been problematic.

That being said I do think that almost no regard is paid to distance management at many Jiu Jitsu schools today. I think everyone, once in a while should train with simulated punches so that they understand the principle that the only safe places to be in grappling are either 'too close' or 'too far'.
That gold belt just get passed around based on which dude is in a video or do him and jeff glover both rock gold belts now? I dont get it.