I don't know if it's the school I went to, but I wasn't impressed. I checked out one lesson when I was about 16. Everyone there was a blackbelt, except me. We started of using the Bo staff, and they all thought I was awesome, because I'd done a bit of firetwirling (having a hippy sister makes you a Bo master apparently), you know all that practical, spin around the back stuff you use in those Bo fights you get in.
Then we practised some blocks, and a female black belt chastised me, cos she couldn't use the block, I wasn't punching properly. I was throwing a normal right cross, but I should have been stepping with the same leg as the arm I was punching with. What was I thinking?
The we did some ground work. The coach called it some bizarre name, can't remember what it was, "floor combat" or some crap.
I rolled (before I knew what rolling meant though) with this big fat black belt, and proceeded to put him on his back, and sit in scarf-hold until he gave up. Then rolled with another guy and did the same thing. The instructor said that was it for the day, and we meditated for a few minutes (I was a pretty hyperactive kid, this was the hardest part for me), then I left, never to return.
My MA experience before this was a couple of years of judo when I was around 5 or 6.
Like I said, I'm not paying out on Ju Jitsu, just this class, that they ran at the local scout hall. For all I know, most schools might spar Vale Tudo style 100% every night.