JDS on why he lost...


Blue Belt
Feb 5, 2011
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"Really it was my head," Dos Santos told Nagradedo MMA. "I had some personal things going on, a bit of my attention was lacking because of it."

"And another thing. Soon after the fight I went to the hospital and had a scan, which showed my creatine level was too high. The normal level is up to 300, mine was in 1400."

Full article: http://www.espn.co.uk/ufc/sport/story/187980.html

I'm starting to really lose respect for JDS. Before he was champion, he was humble and never ran his mouth. Nowadays, he's just blabbering everywhere.
Why he lost... his gas tank sucks. If he doesn't win or isn't completely dominating the fight in the first 7 minutes, he'll lose.
The excuses just need to stop, fighters need to just take their loses and move on, pondering on the loss and coming up with justifications is just wasted time.
The excuses just need to stop, fighters need to just take their loses and move on, pondering on the loss and coming up with justifications is just wasted time.

Very true. But it should be noted that it's harder for fighters like JDS (and Cain) who take their first loss while defending their belt. They experience the new, and crushing, emotion of losing on a big stage. Outside of a main event, the loser can shake a few hands then sneak and have a good cry. The JDSes of the world have to learn how to handle losing while under an awful lot of scrutiny. It makes people say stupid things.
The excuses just need to stop, fighters need to just take their loses and move on, pondering on the loss and coming up with justifications is just wasted time.

You do realise you're on about fighters, many of whom believe that they are the worlds best? Excuses will always happen, they need to believe that there is a reason they lost other than they were just not good enough. Occasionally a fighter will admit that, but most of the time there's an excuse. Except in their head its not an excuse, it's a reason.
Cain was better than him that night, no doubt.

JDS will be back though.
Didn't he not have a wrestler in his camp.

If so, it is his own fault for not properly preparing.
He isn't going to win a rematch unless he gets more realistic about why he lost.
I like what Josh Barnett said after his fight about not making excuses for losing.

Whatever problems Dos Santos had coming in to the fight were not the reason he lost that fight. His problem that night was not being able to keep up with the pace of Cain Velasquez and getting his ass kicked. Stop making excuses Junior just accept your defeat and come back stronger.
I didn't expect this from Junior. After the fight he gave Cain his due props, but now he's making excuses? I'm disappointed.
Never thought I'd say it but I'm losing respect for JDS.

Cain was better. Plain and simple.
So people take one article and read just a few lines from it and pick jds apart for it? How bout reading the whole thing first and watching the twitter video where he gives Cain credit. People on this fucking site are too GD lazy.