JDS lost because...

vuco KJV***

Blue Belt
Dec 25, 2012
Reaction score
...Cain is the better fighter, why the hell is it so hard to understand that?
Cain was the better fighter last night. I disagree on him being the better fighter all together.
Cain was the better fighter last night. I disagree on him being the better fighter all together.

lol, k. was dominated on the feet and on the ground for 25 minutes.

but yeah, you're probably right. JDS is definitely the better "overall" fighter :rolleyes:
These threads are starting to get annoying. Tell us something we don't know, TS.
Cain was the better fighter last night. I disagree on him being the better fighter all together.

Come on, Cain outclassed him everywhere, on the feet, on the ground, everywhere, Junior looked like he didn't belong in the octagon there.

That's like saying "Yeah, Fedor totally destroyed Big Nog everywhere, but Big Nog is still the better fighter."
Well not sure that was domination on the ground? He was knocked senseless and Cain still couldn't hold him down. Also, the game plan of Cain was great. He didn't stand back and try and box with him or just shoot he kept insane pressure on him and threw all power shots (literal power shots). JDS did not respond well. If Cain can adjust in a rematch I assume JDS will as well. If Cain can't get inside in fight 3 its probably nighty night again.
lol, k. was dominated on the feet and on the ground for 25 minutes.

but yeah, you're probably right. JDS is definitely the better "overall" fighter :rolleyes:

but did cain get the finish?

jds finished cain in the first fight, therefore, he is the better "overall" fighter.
Please, remind me of what happened in their first fight. Oh yeah, Cain got KTFO. I wouldn't say Cain is the better fighter, more like it's a draw at this point. Then again, I actually try to THINK from time to time before i speak.
Come on, Cain outclassed him everywhere, on the feet, on the ground, everywhere, Junior looked like he didn't belong in the octagon there.

That's like saying "Yeah, Fedor totally destroyed Big Nog everywhere, but Big Nog is still the better fighter."
Yeah but Big Nog doesn't have a legit ko over Fedor either, Junior was outclassed but is still #2 and has a punchers chance in a rematch, after all Jds still has best hands in the division.
I feel Cain would win 6/10 its closer than both fights would indicate. Cain got caught the first time and stopped. Jds got caught in the second fight and struggled to regain his composure and rhythm. He didn't gas in the beggining he was simply out on his feet and in survival mode. That is why he came on stronger as the fight progressed. I think like with many other heavyweight fights, the man who lands hard first has a great chance to win. I really think if they fought another few times both would pick up some wins. That being said, I don't want to see a 3rd fight right now. Let Werdum, or Reem fight for the belt with a win.
Cain was the better fighter last night. I disagree on him being the better fighter all together.

That assessment is the complete opposite of their first fight. JDS won, but Cain was the better overall fighter. How can you claim JDS is the better fighter "all together" when he has never shown an ounce of his ground game until last night when Cain dominated him?
Please, remind me of what happened in their first fight. Oh yeah, Cain got KTFO. I wouldn't say Cain is the better fighter, more like it's a draw at this point. Then again, I actually try to THINK from time to time before i speak.

I guess Serra and GSP are equals then too.
Please, remind me of what happened in their first fight. Oh yeah, Cain got KTFO. I wouldn't say Cain is the better fighter, more like it's a draw at this point. Then again, I actually try to THINK from time to time before i speak.

Yeah but Big Nog doesn't have a legit ko over Fedor either, Junior was outclassed but still has a punchers chance in a rematch.

every HW fighter has a "punchers chance"

does that make them better overall fighters than Cain? Hell no.
Yeah but Big Nog doesn't have a legit ko over Fedor either, Junior was outclassed but still has a punchers chance in a rematch.

by that logic ryo chonan is a better overall fighter than Anderson because he submitted him before.