Jason High Returns to the UFC


Brown Belt
Jan 15, 2011
Reaction score
Can't link but its on his twitter if you want to check it out. No date set for return yet though. The guy is on a pretty good streak, would like to see him fight someone like Kyle Noke or Aaron Simpson.
Did you say Jason rolled himself one and got high?

He'll want to make up for his last brief stint
Jason High is an awesome addition to the UFC WW division. He is one of the most underrated fighters today. He was on a tear until he was KO'd by Heiron at Affliction: Day of Reckoning. Then he surprised everyone by beating Andre Galvao in the Dream WW Grand Prix semis until Zaromskis put him to sleep with that highkick in the finals. Since his boring decision loss to Brenneman @ UFC Fight Night 21, he has been on a 7 fight win streak beating the likes of Jordan mein, Hayato Sakurai, and most recently AKA's Nate Moore along the way. The Kansas City Bandit will make some noise in the UFC WW division.
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i have to admit, he's been off my radar since eating that Zaromskis kick. good for him, hope he makes the transition well.
i have to admit, he's been off my radar since eating that Zaromskis kick. good for him, hope he makes the transition well.

sadly enough what this guy said after zaromski floored him i kinda stopped paying attention. glad to see anyone make it to the ufc who brings the fight
High got a raw deal in the UFC, i hate when dude gets one fight and done, especially when its against tough a guy like Charlie who can smother you.