Media Jake Paul: Let’s get this thing auctioned for $500k so we actually fulfill Mcgregor’s fake promises

You really don't know what I mean? This is why the Paul thing is annoying, so many morons like you are totally tricked by the whole thing lol. Who gives a fuck whether he can beat Conor in a Boxing match? He will never actually fight Boxers his size and age, the entire thing is pretend.
and that annoys you... why?
He should have made that ugly thing worth $500k - the same as Conor's donation to the Good Fight Foundation
yeah, but I'm asking you, not everyone else
For one it kinda makes MMA and Boxing look stupid, but mainly because it's part of this social media culture of people becoming famous with zero substance, it's bad for society. The same thing with the Kardashians, I know most people in the West usually think these people don't actually influence anything and it doesn't matter, but I disagree, people like the Paul brothers and the Kardashians influence kids to not value hard work and actually become great at something, they influence them to only care about surface-level things. I could write a whole essay on it lol, hopefully, you get my point, not sure if I'm explaining it well.
For one it kinda makes MMA and Boxing look stupid, but mainly because it's part of this social media culture of people becoming famous with zero substance, it's bad for society. The same thing with the Kardashians, I know most people in the West usually think these people don't actually influence anything and it doesn't matter, but I disagree, people like the Paul brothers and the Kardashians influence kids to not value hard work and actually become great at something, they influence them to only care about surface-level things. I could write a whole essay on it lol, hopefully, you get my point, not sure if I'm explaining it well.
No, you explained it perfectly and I totally agree with you.
Jake Paul AMOG'd Dustin here as well, don't forget he very recently referred to him as a no name bum and now has Dustin eating out of his hand.
I can't take more . My brain is breaking and my soul is dying . It's like staring into the abyss .
I bet he picks the diamonds out before he sends it
I have no idea how anyone can hate on this kid. He is hilarious and it’s been awesome seeing him stick it to McGregor and the bald goof. Jake Paul is a fucking boss.

So other people to have to pretend that he is a talented boxer and not a talentless corporate agitator to indulge your "passion" for a YouTuber?

Sorry pal, maybe there's a Tumblr page where you can collaborate with other Jake Paul fans.
You really don't know what I mean? This is why the Paul thing is annoying, so many morons like you are totally tricked by the whole thing lol. Who gives a fuck whether he can beat Conor in a Boxing match? He will never actually fight Boxers his size and age, the entire thing is pretend.
I don't think Robinson or Askren would call it pretend. Jake has legit power which shouldn't be disputed. We do not know if he will fight boxers or not. I expect he will after another fight or 2, but we will see. I wouldn't be surprised with a Silva fight after Woodley then move on to a boxer. Fighting McG would make money, but would not be a good fight. First boxer i would look for him to fight would be Fury's brother. The Fury name would bring viewers. From a business standpoint I don't see him fighting some no- name boxer. I think he will fight a legit bigger name boxer in his next 3-4 fights
I don't think Robinson or Askren would call it pretend. Jake has legit power which shouldn't be disputed. We do not know if he will fight boxers or not. I expect he will after another fight or 2, but we will see. I wouldn't be surprised with a Silva fight after Woodley then move on to a boxer. Fighting McG would make money, but would not be a good fight. First boxer i would look for him to fight would be Fury's brother. The Fury name would bring viewers. From a business standpoint I don't see him fighting some no- name boxer. I think he will fight a legit bigger name boxer in his next 3-4 fights
"I don't think Askren would call it pretend" lmao you are so dumb, you are the exact type of person Jake markets to