Jake Ellenberger Caught Lying About Voting For Trump Today...In California

I wish these videos didn't repeat. Also looks like Ellenburger forgot the Democratic process when he joined Gendale fight cabal
So he makes shitty decisions outside the cage as well.

it's definitely funnier that he said he voted for trump
Lmao nice find TS

Oscar winner leo salutes you.

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Can't tell if that's him or just some white guy
Why does he still look like he just got his ass kicked by Thompson when that fight was 8 months ago.
I want to post a clever gif but HI beat me to it, so here's the other one. I like the Juggernaut, so this isn't anything against him as a fighter...

I guess all the ass whoppings he's gotten lately are messing his brain up. What a clown!
I dont get it, its some kinda of comedy show where they get them to lie?
Fucking lol. What is this from?
Someone please post the video of Trump supporters being lied to about Hitler quotes and agreeing with them.
lol! You're a Trump supporter too then obviously? Don't worry...we understand why you don't get it! lol!!!
I like trump except for the racism part, which unfortunately is the reason he is winning the republican race.
Someone please post the video of Trump supporters being lied to about Hitler quotes and agreeing with them.

There was no voting in California today. Nobody gets charged money to vote either.

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