Just started boxing and need to improve the strength of my jab, is theer anything I can do?
Thanks for any suggestions!
speed > strength when it comes to the jab, dont worry about it being strong its all about speed when it comes to the jab.
Punching power either comes from momentum or torque. The jab kind of has a mix of both whereas the cross is almost all torque.
Make sure you're pushing yourself forward with your rear foot to get that forward momentum while torquing your hips for additional power. Snap adds power too so make sure you're bringing your arm back as fast as you put it out there.
I think most of the power comes from forward momentum of the step on both the jab and the cross but it's especially important for the jab. Both are straight linear punches and the power comes from moving your body in the same direction. This is where the step comes in.
I must respectfully disagree. You torque your hips on the jab as well as the cross, but more so on the cross. Yes, the step is important on the jab but you should be torquing your hips as well, just not as much as on the cross because you shouldn't be coming up on the ball of your front foot on the jab like you do with your rear foot for the cross.
Have you ever read Jack Dempsey's book? He describes in it the mechanics of a cross very well and it's his assertion that most of the power comes from the drop step not the twisting element or as he calls it the 'whirl'. The torquing of the hips is an important element of the cross but not nearly as important imho as the step. The step btw the can almost be very small and almost imperceptible to the eye. Try throwing a cross with only twist of the hips and no drop of the weight onto the front foot (step), to me it lacks a lot of power.
Have you ever read Jack Dempsey's book? He describes in it the mechanics of a cross very well and it's his assertion that most of the power comes from the drop step not the twisting element or as he calls it the 'whirl'. The torquing of the hips is an important element of the cross but not nearly as important imho as the step. The step btw the can almost be very small and almost imperceptible to the eye. Try throwing a cross with only twist of the hips and no drop of the weight onto the front foot (step), to me it lacks a lot of power.
Just keep jabbing.
When I do heavybag work, I do 50% of my time jabbing.
I suck though.