Izzy receives backlash for twin towers comment.

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Doesn't surprise me. I've always said he was a piece of shit person, that was extremely cocky and disrespectful. You guys wanna give your money and support to him, but here he is. Just like Conor. You can't hide it forever, and he's a complete douche.

I don't mind confidence, but Izzy is a cocky trash human being with no care for anyone other than himself.
You think he is THAT stupid to not know making light of a tragedy is going to upset people who lost friends and family? It's pretty obvious his intention was to piss people off
Tend to agree, just a bad effort at appearing edgy. Sad that he feels he needs to attempt this shtick, it's very obvious he's forcing it. His fighting skills should be enough to put the man over not this cringe shit.
I understand it's a joke but to use it in the fight game is fucking random and cringe. I hope he gets KOed just cause
The worst thing about it was that it just didn't make any sense. There is no wit or nuanced link between Yoel and 9/11.

It's like me saying "hur I'll hit him so hard his wheels will fall off."

Israel is a cringey fucktard. Seriously who cares if it was offensive. It just wasn't funny.

Hope Yoel beats him until he's even more retarded

This. The guy is horrendous on the mic. As bad as Tito if not worse.
It's not being dramatic - people on this forum have had friends die in that terrorist attack. It's not something to make light of - you can't separate the towers falling from the lives that were lost when it happened.
Sure a logical person can but I don’t expect that with all the sensitivity in this generation. I was raised different. Sorry to offend.
Low iq comment, I guess we should give him a pass because he can’t help the intelligence level at which he was born. It will cost him a ton of fans though, and It will be mostly Americans who can actually afford to buy the fights.
Americans quickly get offended because this was their tragedy.
Quickly carry on joking about the coronavirus though.
Izzy has some cringe shit talking like how he came after a nice guy like Bobbi Knuckles . Calling him a crackhead and such , hope Yoel shadowrealms him like he did Luke.
Tend to agree, just a bad effort at appearing edgy. Sad that he feels he needs to attempt this shtick, it's very obvious he's forcing it. His fighting skills should be enough to put the man over not this cringe shit.
and to be honest the attempt was over the top. You don't have to insult thousands of terrorist victims to appear edgy.
Doesn't surprise me. I've always said he was a piece of shit person, that was extremely cocky and disrespectful. You guys wanna give your money and support to him, but here he is. Just like Conor. You can't hide it forever, and he's a complete douche.

I don't mind confidence, but Izzy is a cocky trash human being with no care for anyone other than himself.

Wow this really got to you!
Tend to agree, just a bad effort at appearing edgy. Sad that he feels he needs to attempt this shtick, it's very obvious he's forcing it. His fighting skills should be enough to put the man over not this cringe shit.
it's not jut shtick, it's crossing over the line.
i cant really see what some people would find offensive after adesenya suggested that yoel was going to crumple like a controlled demolition
The problem with your entire statement is the 'terrorist' part.

The U.S. loves to label people terrorists but yet fail to call themselves terrorists despite doing the exact same things.

You guys kill civilians CONSTANTLY and its never 'terrorism' for some reason.

Apparently the 9/11 bombers should have said that they did it for oil ... then they wouldn't be 'terrorists' anymore.
Pretty sure the USA doesn't deliberately kill civilians in other countries to spread terror and fear.

And yes, groups labelled terrorists by America are in fact, terrorists

It was hardly making fun of 9/11 or the victims.

People are far too sensitive and easily offended.
Pretty sure the USA doesn't deliberately kill civilians in other countries to spread terror and fear.

And yes, groups labelled terrorists by America are in fact, terrorists

You have to be kidding, surely?

There are numerous examples of US troops killing civilians across the globe. A couple of HUNDRED THOUSAND died in Iraq alone in what was an illegal war.
I can gas Jews because Hitler did? What Saddam did isn't relevant to what the US did. Saddam's torturing doesn't make what the US did at Abu ghraib and Guantanamo Bay less. You killed 8,000 Iraqi civilians in the initial attack. Women and children. How is Bush and his supporters any different from Osama bin Laden and his supporters?

Stop with the sectarian violence nonsense. 73% of all attacks were aimed at military targets.

Yes, we knew there was bad blood between Shiias and Sunnis in Iraq, being that the latter were oppressed by the former. We just didn't give a damn.

ISIS is nothing. A bunch of poorly armed, poorly trained combatants that are only effective where there's no functioning government. They can only exist in a power void, in this case created by the US. Iraq under Saddan, Syria, Turkey and Iran would have had no problem getting rid of them. Lets not forget that the US let ISIS wreck havoc in Syria in order to get rid of Assad. By US estimates, ISIS may be bad, but Assad is worse. Assad did more than anyone to help the Iraqi people, while the West did nothing. Assad had an open border policy against Iraq, letting refugees seek refuge. 1.2 m of them.
Little worried you don't or are incapable of distinguishing between Bush and Bin Laden mate, if you can't make the distinction based on intent alone you've got an issue or two I'd imagine.
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