Izzy receives backlash for twin towers comment.

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Romero will touch up Izzy enough when they fight that he will crumble like buildings in the Christchurch earthquake.
Because thousands of people died with the towers crumbling? Is it really that hard to understand? Not easy to separate the 2 when they happened simultaneously.

Like I mentioned earlier, its like making a nazi and gas chamber joke but saying you said nothing about jews dying.
Because thousands of people died with the towers crumbling? Is it really that hard to understand? Not easy to separate the 2 when they happened simultaneously.

Like I mentioned earlier, its like making a nazi and gas chamber joke but saying you said nothing about jews dying.
Except it wasn’t a joke just a simple statement. Toughen up, no reason to be so dramatic. He wasn’t disrespecting the lost lives.
It was an inside job anyways, but still a shitty thing to say nonetheless.

Hes from New Zealand... he doesnt realize how offensive the reference can be to americans.. the world doesnt revolve around you guys.. It was jus analogy.. he thought he was being clever.. he did not consider he was being offensive. It's no different from the cejudo aujt jemima incident.

Sometimes ppl jus miss the mark.
Bullshit, he knew what he was saying. He tried to be clever and controversial but came off like an asshole, because that’s what he is.
Should've said he'll smoke him like the Australian fires o_O
Cringy and doesn’t even make a lick of sense
Comedy is a funny thing. If your joke is funny enough, no topic is off limits. If your joke sucks, you're an asshole.

Your joke sucked Izzy, and you are what you eat.
Yup. If you’re gonna say something fucked up, better be funny. Izzy made a trash joke.
Except it wasn’t a joke just a simple statement. Toughen up, no reason to be so dramatic. He wasn’t disrespecting the lost lives.

It's not being dramatic - people on this forum have had friends die in that terrorist attack. It's not something to make light of - you can't separate the towers falling from the lives that were lost when it happened.
My dad died from 911 related illness. I'm not offended by what Israel said, its just something he said that he thought sounded cool and edgy. Its whatever, I know he doesnt wish ill on any of the victims or their families. I weight intent heavily when I choose whether or not to get offended or outraged. That all said, and it has nothing to do with these comments, war Romero.
It's not being dramatic - people on this forum have had friends die in that terrorist attack. It's not something to make light of - you can't separate the towers falling from the lives that were lost when it happened.

GTFO, much worse gets said on these boards every day. Dumb thing to say but sherdog has no right getting sensitive.
GTFO, much worse gets said on these boards every day. Dumb thing to say but sherdog has no right getting sensitive.

Just because much worse gets said, that doesn't make it right. That is pretty stupid logic.
Doesn’t bother me none... but there are enough sensitive people in today’s world I’m sure someone will take offense to it
If only we could all be as cool as you.
lmao it doesn’t REALLY matter. he’s not american and it was 20 years ago. he’s not likely to give a shit
He did not mean to hurt you or disrespect the ones lost on that day. It was a stupid analogy to make though
You think he is THAT stupid to not know making light of a tragedy is going to upset people who lost friends and family? It's pretty obvious his intention was to piss people off
Not funny, but he is a try hard with these sorts of comments so not unexpected.
The worst thing about it was that it just didn't make any sense. There is no wit or nuanced link between Yoel and 9/11.

It's like me saying "hur I'll hit him so hard his wheels will fall off."

Israel is a cringey fucktard. Seriously who cares if it was offensive. It just wasn't funny.

Hope Yoel beats him until he's even more retarded
The worst thing about it was that it just didn't make any sense. There is no wit or nuanced link between Yoel and 9/11.

It's like me saying "hur I'll hit him so hard his wheels will fall off."

Israel is a cringey fucktard. Seriously who cares if it was offensive. It just wasn't funny.

Hope Yoel beats him until he's even more retarded

This is exactly how I see it. If Israel had said 'I'll launch him like a Cuban missile' or 'ill smoke him like a Cuban cigar' it would have been witty. The twin tower correlation is nonexistent, so it's just lame.
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