It's crazy to think the world's top alpha male looks like this

What's my people? I'm told you and I are the same.

Nobody shitting on anybody, hence my quesiton about your sobriety. We're talking about the tangible concept of alpha/beta social interactions as they relate to primates (protip: not wolves).

Now you've jumped in to try and virtue signal on something for likes without understanding a thing about what you're talking about.

we aren't the same, i don't even know what virtue signaling means.

I'm saying I don't see the alpha thing in my own family or my own tribe, at least not with the older people. The younger folks? of course they are fucked up and that's why I stay the fuck away from them.
Alpha may have been deemed an inappropriate concept for wolves but it most certainly applies and is used in primate structures (of which we are apart). You should probably brush up on it as it relates to primates.

Here's a tidbit on the chicken thing:
What's my people? I'm told you and I are the same.

Nobody shitting on anybody, hence my quesiton about your sobriety. We're talking about the tangible concept of alpha/beta social interactions as they relate to primates (protip: not wolves).

Now you've jumped in to try and virtue signal on something for likes without understanding a thing about what you're talking about.
What are you sourcing from for this alpha primate argument?
Anyway, how much easier it is to take people's shit when you believe "survival of the fittest" or "Manifest Destiny" or whatever the bull crap you want to support for your own enrichment insinuates. The fact that people see nothing wrong with a ton of their own actions just proves my point, they don't even think they are doing anything wrong. In the end they are only hurting themselves.
Do you know what the childish term "alpha male" means? That's not it.
Lol I never understood that term tbh. Like the alpha lion does nothing but bang while the women feed him. How is some work slave that never sleeps and has low testosterone alpha? Marketing is one hell of a drug I guess.
Would you be Bill's prison bitch for a billion?
Well see that's the issue. Money is something that would only apply to certain situations. For example if money wasn't an issue (IE if we were living in some primative way and money wasn't needed) and he wanted to do butt stuff I would fill the room with uppercuts and he couldn't do a damn thing about it. I view the term "Alpha" as someone who is not only a leader but someone who could physically overpower you as well.
I think Bezos has him beat here, especially for being 10+ years older.

Elon looks like he'd pay for OnlyFans

Jake Paul is the real alpha of our planet if we exclude sherdoggers.
It's very impressive to witness. Wealth does make you an alpha. It's all about the pooling and storage of resources for the future. This is where a man's worth is derived from in the modern world. Physical prowess and hunting ability are no longer the premier masculine traits.
is that right? I'd love to see a source. I don't doubt it one bit.,light of new evidence, and Mech was wrong.

"responsible for the popular idea of the alpha wolf is L. David Mech. In 1970 he released a book (The Wolf: Ecology and Behavior of an Endangered Species) which promoted the concept. Yet science corrects itself in light of new evidence, and Mech was wrong. In fact, on his own website he says that the idea of the alpha wolf is outdated, as we have learned more about the animals in the last 40 years than in all of history before that. Mech has asked his publisher to stop printing the book for years, without success.

The idea of alphas and betas came about during a study of captive wolves in the 1940s. When animal behaviorist Rudolph Schenkel put random groups of wolves together the males and females did compete to form a dominant pair. Schenkel coined the alpha and beta terms. Unfortunately, that behavior doesn’t reflect the reality of how wolves live in the wild.

When a male breeds, its offspring become its pack. It is typically the sole male, apart from its sons. It doesn’t need to fight other wolves for charge. When the sons are old enough to have their own packs, they simply leave to find a female with which to breed. The status of offspring in the pack is based on age, rather than strength or anything else." of the people responsible for the popular,light of new evidence, and Mech was wrong.

"responsible for the popular idea of the alpha wolf is L. David Mech. In 1970 he released a book (The Wolf: Ecology and Behavior of an Endangered Species) which promoted the concept. Yet science corrects itself in light of new evidence, and Mech was wrong. In fact, on his own website he says that the idea of the alpha wolf is outdated, as we have learned more about the animals in the last 40 years than in all of history before that. Mech has asked his publisher to stop printing the book for years, without success.

The idea of alphas and betas came about during a study of captive wolves in the 1940s. When animal behaviorist Rudolph Schenkel put random groups of wolves together the males and females did compete to form a dominant pair. Schenkel coined the alpha and beta terms. Unfortunately, that behavior doesn’t reflect the reality of how wolves live in the wild.

When a male breeds, its offspring become its pack. It is typically the sole male, apart from its sons. It doesn’t need to fight other wolves for charge. When the sons are old enough to have their own packs, they simply leave to find a female with which to breed. The status of offspring in the pack is based on age, rather than strength or anything else."

How could you tell if it was just because of age (seems unlikely) or the fact that it is the father, thus making it lineage (seems more likely). Or a combination of those two things I suppose (if younger sons follow older sons)

Sounds like a good old fashioned patriarchy! :D
How is he “alpha” as if that’s a thing that exists amongst humans?
For some odd reason a picture from his trip came across my google feed yesterday. Its not a flattering picture.
I wish I was rich enough to have swole Mike Pence hose me down on my yacht.

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