It's A Wonderful Life/Wizard of Oz are Getting A Remake

The Good The Bad The HBK

Pitbull Owner
Apr 6, 2020
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And it's getting BLACKED

This is a film that should be on a list of "do not remake" list because it can never be duplicated or topped again. Leave it be.

Wtf?! You serious?

That's a classic that should never be touched. It's just too good.

And do you have a source by chance? Thanks.
I dunno they've dragged all my favorite franchises thru the mud. Star wars, terminator, alien, RoboCop, die hard, predator etc. They can keep ruining my childhood if they want I'm just not gonna watch anymore.
The Family Man was already a pseudo remake that no one asked for.

I get why they remake everything. People always say they hate remakes and then turn out in droves to watch remakes. But I can only think of a handful of instances where remaking one of the all-time greats has turned out well (True Grit, Seven Samurai/Magnificent Seven/Bugs Life, The Mummy).

If they just can't bring themselves to develop an original idea, they should remake films that had a strong concept but a mediocre execution like Oceans 11 and Mr and Mrs Smith. Most of the audience didn't even know those were remakes.
Most of the audience didn't even know those were remakes

I think a lot of people knew most of the films were remakes. Whenever a film is being advertised or the actors are promoting it, it's usually one of the first things said when discussing the film.
Santa better be trans or I'm not watching.

Lol, I'm chatting with a trans friend at the moment.

Best thing about her is , despite dressing like a lady now and having bits removed she's exactly the same person I've known for 20 I get the same sick jokes and memes , same photos of hot women as that's still her preference.

Is good.
I think a lot of people knew most of the films were remakes. Whenever a film is being advertised or the actors are promoting it, it's usually one of the first things said when discussing the film.
My experience is purely anecdotal, but I don't think so.

There was a thread on here a week or two ago where people were unironically criticizing the new Mr and Mrs Smith show for being a remake of a Brad Pitt movie with basically no acknowledgement that the Brad Pitt version was a remake of a 1941 Hitchcock film.

When Oceans 11 came out I was right in their core demo and considered myself a movie buff. Basically none of my peers had heard of or seen the Rat Pack version. There just wasn't a lot of the 18 to 35 male demo in the early days of the internet that was caught up on midling Rat Pack movies from 20+ years before they were born. Maybe Clooney had to field a question about it from Regis or Leno, but I wasn't watching when it happened.
Dont forget Scarface, a movie thats beloved by half the people that are gonna be in here complaining about race swapping

I hadn't even considered a race swap angle on that movie, but now that I'm thinking about it Magnificent 7 and Fist Full of Dollars are both race swap remakes that no one bitches about.