Italian mafia vs. Russian mafia.. who would win?

Russian mafia, and it wouldnt even be close.
italian mafia are a shadow of their former self

russian mafia is basically the russian government, would be a brock vs mir 2 type blowout
Old guidos in low cut pants and no socks vs Military psychopaths.

i get the feeling russians are more ruthless, but its not based on anything i know
The Russians are ruthless and a lot of them seem military trained while the Italians are fat fucks eating pasta very 5 minutes.

Hell, I'd take British gangsters over the Italians any day.
I can't say but the Russians tried moving into my city some years ago. They ain't here now.
Based on a lot of useless shit I read on this subject and numerious articles I'm going with the Russian's because they have been known to move nuclear weapons.
Russians because they're all former KGB at the top, with ex-paramilitary enforcers, and Eastern Block prison hardened criminals on the street level.
Sure, I'm biased

The Italians do have Pete "The Killer" (Sally Balls' brother)
Too many former Spetsnaz and KGB agents in the Russian Mafia. It wouldn't even be close
Is this conventional military warfare, or more gangland style warfare? Is this like during post apocalyptic world with no government around, or is the EU, Italy, and Russia all still viable states?

If this is gangland style, then it does not matter if Russian mob has ex military, or ex KGB. That is training for a different type of warfare. Plus Italian mob has plenty of guys that are former military, or even police officers.

Plus italians are more spread out in the world. They are in Brazil, Argentina, Murica, and Canada. Back in their heyday they will have political protection from those countries.
They're not two warring factions on the front line. You knucklebutts are looking at this all wrong.

A successful organized crime syndicate is not going to get scored on the heavy fire power they bring.
It will be on how well they can assimilate into legitimate business and start syphining funds... they're ability to also cloak their illegitimate methods as legit and there ability to non-violently cajole favor from those not affiliated directly with them.

Italians and Sicilians have successfully done that in this country for many years... even when heavy pressure was on them. Same can't be said for Russians.

So no one is winning this battle by pulling out the heavy weaponry right away. That's a sure fire way to lose public patience with you and dry up all favors officials in the public sector will be willing to afford you.
Italian and Sicilian mobsters made heavy gains in America at a time when they were hated by most: Irish, Polish, Germans.
"What sound does a car with a flat tire and full of Italians make? Dago, wop, wop, wop"

Hell, back in the 1930s you could be Irish, Polish, German, English and intermarry to some degree.... you marry an Italian and you're being disowned from your family.

it happened in my family when my Grandfather's sister married some Italian. They didn't have kids simply to not further offend her family.

But with all of that acrimony directed at them they were still shrewd enough to move up economically. Part of the hate between the Irish and the Italians was that the Irish were still struggling in ways the Italians weren't.