Is this the best song ever made?!


Jul 19, 2014
Reaction score
It gives me chills every time it comes on pandora. It's just so FUCK GOOD!
One of these two for me

Kinda liked it, very chill. I wouldn't say it "reminded" me of this song, but it got me thinking of it, so ... I guess it did. One of my all time favorites:

It's a good song. Nowhere near "greatest ever made" though. There are bands that have entire albums that shit all over that track.
Best song ever made? Ugh. It's not even the best song I heard this past minute. Pass with a side of pass.
It's decent, but not the best song ever made.

Best song ever? I don’t know. You can’t possibly hate this song, and I think that is more important than being the best ever. The least hated song maybe <Moves>
It's not the best son ever made but it's not a bad tune.

It's really upbeat but quite melancholy at the same time.

Like someone will randomly put it on at a social engagement 20 years from now and in that moment @headkicktoleg will reflect on this time in his life with a kind of fond sadness.
Surprise that any of the mumbling rap crap song have come up yet.
You know,m.....all “lil’s
Lil yatch
Lil uzi
Lil shit
Lil pussy
Lil bastard
Lil looser
Lil panda
Lil dishwasher
Lil etc.....