Same...probably would've told the family to fuck off when they asked if I could come over.The Exorcist. If I was that priest I would have run the fuck out of that house as soon as I heard the devil talking.
Before Sunrise. All I need is to be a dumb tourist in foreign country who chats up a chick. I wouldn't survive the sequels though because I'm not getting married to a chick I met once and hooked up with.
I'd totally survive the predator though. The predator would take one look at me and think, "I don't want to hurt this small child."
I used to love the first one and dislike the third, not because it wasn't good, but because it hit a bit too close to home.I think those Before movies are great. All three of them. Rare to see a trilogy where every entry is a classic.
Asian Babysitters 16
Forrest Gump ?
I'd do great in Office Space, Idiocracy, and Knocked Up.I rewatched interstellar recently and realized that if I were the dude in the black hole, I couldn't save the world because I don't know Morse code, and even if I did, I don't know anyone that that knows it, so I couldn't communicate with anyone.
Then I started wondering if there was any movie where I could replace the main character and win.
Die hard? Nope. They'd have to call it die quick.
Predator? Nope, I wouldn't even make Arnold's elite squad.
Terminator????? I think maybe I could win here. Because if I were Sarah Connor, all I'd have to do it bang Kyle Reese and he would do all the fighting for me. Then at the end i just have to push a button to crush the T-800. Of course, banging Reese would be no easy task since I'm straight and he smells like hobo piss.
Technically not making it into the team would save you, iirc the predator would not kill you if you are'nt armed lolPredator? Nope, I wouldn't even make Arnold's elite squad.
Gay ones, right?I seen a few x rated movies where I could have done a better job