Is the Scottish accent most difficult to imitate?

I thought so too.

Until my cousin in law who is from South Africa who now lives here told me it wasn't as correct, and that Matt Damon in Invictus was much more correct. He may be right in the sense that he wasn't young when he came over here, he speaks with a South African accent, and it sounds more like Matt Damon's than Leo's.

Now, there could be different ways it sounds from different parts so im not sure. But im just going to go with the guy I know who is from and still speaks with a South African accent.

according to this article, Leo's is way better - but he is doing an english speaking South african whereas Damon was playing a man who is an Afrikaans speaking South African.
CHL can chime in on the South African accents -- and that's because he's a dirty racist.

But I think he said Leo's is pretty good except the "heys" might veer a little too far into caricature.
according to this article, Leo's is way better - but he is doing an english speaking South african whereas Damon was playing a man who is an Afrikaans speaking South African.

Okay well that makes sense then.
Because my cousin is an Afrikaans born and raised.
He had no problem with Matt's accent, also considering Matt wasn't just playing some dude, he was playing one of my cousin's biggest hero's growing up there.

Thanks for pointing out that difference.
I always hear people complain about how actors butcher a South Boston accent in movies, but I don't really hear a lot of that accent in my I have no idea how authentic it is, or what a South Boston accent should really sound like.
I can do a pretty good Sean Connery. "WOMACK?! Why am I not suprised? You piece of shit!"
Well, if you want to get nitpicky about it, technically Di'caprio is supposed to be doing a Rhodesian accent in Blood Diamond. I don't know what the differences are between a Rhodesian accent and a South African one are, just thought I'd point it out.